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警方仅有一些支离破碎的证据。The police has only a few bitty evidence.

“简单”-这个很渺小的词,可以让人望而生畏。For a little bitty word, "simple" can be big-time daunting.

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呵呵,现在并没有动呢。这还只是一个小小的胚胎吧。Hmf hmf, it's not moving yet. It's still just an itty bitty embryo.

这个剧最后突然把支离破碎的内容拉到一起得出一个武断的结论。The play finally jerks its disjointed and bitty way to an arbitrary conclusion.

撒旦的长矛对于最高的松木而言就如同最高的松木,对比一根小小的棍子一般大。Satan's spear is to the tallest pine what the tallest pine is to a little, bitty wand.

撒旦的长矛对于最高的松木而言就如同最高的松木,对比一根小小的棍子一般大。Satan's spear is to the tallest pine what the tallest pine is to a little, bitty wand.

当我还是一个小婴孩时,妈妈在家乡那片老棉花田里常把我放在摇蓝里哄我睡觉。When I was a little bitty baby, my mama would rock me in the cradle in them old cotton field back home.

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他们发现,相对其体型来说,肉垫较小的,例如,豹子,其肉垫的硬度远远优于小猫咪。And they found that the relatively smaller footpads of, say, leopards are much stiffer than those of little bitty kitties.

当我靠近你时你不再有欣然接受的眼神。情人,你开始批评我所做的毫不起眼的小事。There's no welcome look in your eyes when I reach out for you. Girl, you're starting to criticize every little bitty thing that I try to do.

这幅所谓的机构图会随着身体的变动不停更新,否则你现在还会当自己是碎碎娃呢。And this so-called schema is frequently updated to keep up with our ever-changing bodies. Otherwise, you'd think you were still a bitty baby.

由此又可看到他们写作的零碎线索,但马太对他的教会说,我知道你不完全,但耶稣叫你们要完全。Again,we see little bitty clues of how they write this. But that's Matthew telling his church I know you're not perfect now, but God--Jesus calls you to perfection.

或以稍微片断的阅读光使她吃惊在火车上使用或当在晚上的一辆汽车的一位乘客。Or surprise her with a little bitty reading light to use on train or when a passenger in a car at night. She loves to write, so give her a beautifully bound diary, with lock and key.

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此时也可伴有恐怖性幻觉或片断的妄想,甚至自伤、伤人、精神运动性兴奋,言语不连贯,定向力丧失。Also can accompany right now have horrible sex psychedelic or bitty covet, even motility of person of self-wounding, injury, spirit is excited, utterance is abrupt, directional force is lost.