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那些是你的吗?Are those yours?

我能用一下你的吗?May I use yours?

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我是你忠实的姬妾。I am yours truly.

那箱女是你的。This box is yours.

这辆车是你的。This car is yours.

^-^这本书是你白勺。This book is yours.

今晚我是你的。Tonight I an yours.

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这些都是你的吗?Are these all yours?

全看你的了,小熊!It's all yours Bear!

我有着和你一样的眼睛。I have eyes like yours.

那些橡皮是你的吗?Are those erasers yours?

黑色的西服是你的吗?Is this black one yours?

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您的车是白色的福特。Yours is the white Ford.

这些行李全是你的吗?Are these bags all yours?

顺便问一句,这是你的吗?By the way,is this yours?

没有,他们检查你的了?No. Did they check yours?

我所有的东西都是你的。Whatever l have is yours.

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书全是你的吗?Are these books all yours?

这些袜子全部都是你的吗?Are these socks all yours?

如果你的实现了,你就赢了。If yours happens, you win.