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如果你想这是经典版的统一性。If you want this is the classical version of unitarity.

麽正极限,希格斯粒子,它的耦合常数和质量的界限。Unitarity Bounds, Higgs, its Coupling Constants and Limit on its Mass.

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强子分类,强子的么正对称性,夸克模型。Classifications of hadrons, unitarity symmetries of hadron, quark model.

设计就是在形式单一性和随心所欲中找到平衡点。The design is in the form unitarity and had one's wish finds the balance point.

极化,传播,作用矩阵,截面和麽正极限。Polarization, Propagator, Interaction Matrix, Cross Sections and Unitarity Bounds.

研究了超冷均匀极化的费米气体在共振区的相图。The phase diagram of a homogenous ultracold Fermi gas with spin polarization is studied at unitarity.

若只维持矛盾对立因素的单一性与一致,事物就不能发展。If only keep the contradictory unitarity that sets against the factor and unanimous, the things can't be developed.

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借助于动量表象的完备性条件,证明了该算符的么正性及其变换特性。The unitarity and transformation properties of the operator are analyzed by virtue of completeness of momentum representation.

法治与人本既有区别也有统一性,而且统一性对今天的公共部门人力资源管理有更大的意义。Lawful and human-based management has difference and unitarity and the unitarity is more important to human resources management in public departments.

利用权函数对比分析,证明了二次相移三点法与先行分离形状误差的直线频域三点法在本质上的同源性和统一性。Comparative analysis of the weighting function proves the homology and unitarity between the common frequency three point method and the proposed method.

我们便应用这个「么正限制」在兩个席格斯粒子透过交换纯量非粒子的散射过程上,以此來研究非粒子的效应。By applying unitarity constraint on the process of two Higgs scattering through exchange of the scalar unparticle, the constraints of the unparticle effects are given.

新柏拉图主义的辩证法思想主要表现为关于世界的统一性和运动变化的思想,关于否定之否定的思想以及范畴学说中的对立和同一的思想。New-Platonisms dialectic thought mainly represents the thought of the unitarity and motion of the world, of the negation of negation, and of the unity of opposites of the category theory.

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构建和谐社会离不开物质统一性原理,离不开运动与静止的统一、普遍联系、系统和矛盾的观点。Building harmonious society cannot be separated from the unitarity principle of substance, the view of the unification of movement and stillness and the view of universal relation and contradiction.

文章通过对无穷小量与无穷大量的阶的概念研究,用阶的估计讨论数学分析中数列、函数及级数收敛问题,也为收敛问题深入研究提供了一种方法。In this paper, the formal unitarity of the definitions of the limit of a univariate function and infinitely large quantity is given and the law of development of 24 different definitions is presented.