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被后寒武纪地台沉积盖层不整合覆盖。It is overlain unconformably by the post Cambrian platform cover.

刀片建立了覆盖层的叠层胶织物覆硬木和松树。Blades built up laminated hardwood and pine with ply covering overlain by glued fabric.

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江汉叠合盆地位于扬子地台中部,夹持于秦岭-大别及江南造山带中段之间。Jianghan overlain basin is located on the Middle Yangtze platform, between Qinling-Dabie and Jiangnan orogenic belts.

白垩纪构造普遍上覆有中新世河道与浊流砂层,而后者又覆盖在下伏高地上。Cretaceous structures are commonly overlain by Miocene channel and turbidite sands that are also draped across underlying highs.

铁法矿务局大明一、二矿的煤层上覆为含水丰富的第四系砂层。The coal seam in Daming No. 1 &No. 2 Mines, Tiefa Mining Administration is overlain by a rich water bearing Quaternary sand layer.

在皖东嘉山南黄地区新元古代张八岭岩群之下,隐伏一套角闪岩相的TTG质片麻岩类。There is a suboutcrop of amphibolite facies TTG gneiss overlain by Neoproterozoic Zhangbaling Group at Nanhuang region in Jiashan, East Anhui.

矛盾理论学家相信,社会的复制品会持续出现,因为整个教育系统就是建立在一个由主流社会群体形成的思想意识之上的。Conflict theorists believe this social reproduction continues to occur because the whole education system is overlain with ideology provided by the dominant group.

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上扬子西部滇东、黔西茅口组之上多为峨眉山玄武岩所覆盖,长期以来人们一直认为两者不存在沉积间断和地层剥蚀。The Middle Permian Maokou Formation is generally overlain by the Late Permian Emeishan basalts in eastern Yunnan and western Guizhou in the west of the Yangtze platform.

该“潜伏”脉带的金矿化限于寒武系以硅质岩为顶板的碳质页岩中,明显受成矿前产生的韧性剪切带控制。Gold mineralization of the zone is confined only to the Cambrian carbonaceous shale overlain by siliceous rocks, and apparently controlled by a premineral tough shear zone.

观音桥段仅在事件影响的范围内才存在,在其缺失地区五峰组与上覆龙马溪组之间为整合接触的连续沉积。The Guanyinqiao Member only exists in the area affected by the depositional event, while in other areas, the Wufeng Formation are conformably overlain by Longmaxi Formation.

登巴东剖面则代表了洋岛火山岩发育的晚期阶段,顶部有酸性熔岩的夹层,火山岩之上连续沉积有灰岩和砂岩。The East Dengba section is a record of the late stage of oceanic island development, with interbeds of acid lavas at the top, overlain by continuous deposits of limestone and sandstone.

石溪组以不整合覆盖在鹅湖岭组之上,其上为周家店组所覆盖的中生代火山岩地层上部。The Shixi Formation which rests unconformably on the Ehulin Formation and is unconformably overlain by the Zhoujiadian Formation is the upper part of the Mesozoic volcanic-sedimentary strata.

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双河扇三角洲为高建设型的扇三角洲复合体,由于物源、流向比较稳定,继承性和规律性较强,总体表现为下大上小的迭瓦状退复式沉积。Shuanghe fan delta was high construction composite depositing body. Because the source material and the water stream were steady, the body presented a receding overlain deposition successively.

结果基牙根龋、基牙松动、覆盖残根牙龈炎的发生随时间呈递增趋势,而牙槽嵴则无不均匀吸收。Results A two-year follow-up revealed there occurred butment caries, luxated butment, and overlain residual root gingivitis, even on the rise, while the alveolar ridge showed no uneven absorption.