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你是朋友之一。You are among friends.

各国间的协议。Agreements among nations.

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其中就有眼霜的!Among them the eye cream!

他被人厌弃。He was despised among men.

我住在群山之中。I live among the mountains.

她是女中豪杰。She is a pearl among women.

我的房子掩映在小山之中。My house is among the hills.

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星星在睡莲中开放。Stars open among the lilies.

他们之间发生了争吵。A dispute grew up among them.

蜜蜂嗡嗡响地穿梭在花丛。Bees drone among the flowers.

他是他们当中个子最高的。He is the tallest among them.

其中就包括加拿大和美国。Among them, Canada and the US.

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我们之中有一些伪装者。There are pretenders among us.

他们住在群山之中。They live among the mountains.

比如说根据收音机。on radios, among other things.

他经常深入群众。He often went among the masses.

这是人们常爱谈论的一个话题。It is a hot topic among people.

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现在猫科野兽又冲进这些马中间去了。Now the Cats are in among them.

把我放回我酷爱的山岳Place me among the rocks I love

在一群小鸭中孵出了一只小鹅。A goose was hatched among ducks.