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购买肉色和黑色文胸。Buy nude and black.

在裸体海滩上一丝不挂。Bare all on a nude beach.

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他画过裸体模特儿。He has painted nude models.

那就从裸睡开始。Start sleeping in the nude.

影片一开场,芭铎就裸体出镜。A film opening, Bardot nude appearance on.

他因他的人体摄影而出名。He is best known for his nude photography.

单鞋可以让你的腿看起来十分修长。Nude shoes make your legs look miles long.

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我在夏天用透明色,在冬天用自然色。I use Nude in summer and Natural in Winter.

那模特儿赤身露体摆好姿势让画家作画。The model posed in the nude for the painter.

不过就我觉得裸妆还是化装。But on the nude makeup or the makeup I think.

这幅画表现的是一个人赤身体躺在长沙发上。The picture shows a nude reposing on a couch.

你传那张裸照有没有夹杂政治因素?Is there a political element to you posing nude?

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对于我来说它不仅仅是一个裸露的身体而已。Let's say I don't accept that it's merely a nude.

大家好,我是女人体模特儿净思。Hi, my name is Flora, I am an artistic nude model.

明星夫妻拍裸身激情写真在娱乐圈并不罕见。It is normal for couple stars to take nude photos.

当你赤裸身裸体时,也许就会忘记失业、减薪和养老金帐户缩水了,至少天体旅游促销员是这么告诉你的。At least that's how the promoters of nude travel see it.

比如我看到一个裸体的人。I see a naked body, which the art historians call a nude.

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一根十二月里的光秃秃的无花果枝丫擦刮着玻璃窗。Now a nude December fig branch grates against the window.

在裸体主义者的地方,裸露是很自由的。There's a wonderful freedom being nude in a naturist area.

麦莉赛勒斯是裸体和有争议的,闪烁著胸罩。"Miley" Cyrus is nude and controversial, "flashing" a bra.