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斯莫科,这只猫很快活,你知道。Smokey the cat is happy and you know it.

在浓烟密布的矿区,有很多黄褐色的房子。There are many drab houses in the Smokey mining town.

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电影原声,这将使你觉得斯莫基是追你!Original soundtrack that will make you think Smokey is chasing you!

其中之一叫”奇迹“,由斯摩。罗宾逊带领。One of these was " The the Miracles" , led by singer Smokey Robinson.

在法国,一向烟雾弥漫的咖啡馆、餐厅和夜总会现在已经完全禁烟。The famously smokey cafes, restaurants and nightclubs in France are now smoke free.

剧中我接长了头发,晒得黑黑的,还画了烟熏妆,看上去真是完全不一样了。I had hair extensions in and I had a tan and dark, smokey eyes, so I was completely transformed.

如果鬼魂被石化,它会变成暗灰色的烟雾,只有用扇子才能将其扇移动。If a ghost is Petrified , is turns a dark smokey gray and can only be moved by the use of a fan.

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深,明亮的湖水绿色带金和铜的光芒。湿用时可能暂时染色。Deep, slightly smokey teal green with gold and copper shimmer. May stain temporarily when used wet.

小猫斯木科叫声平均可达80分贝,比普通猫类叫声大3倍多。Smokey the cat's purrs average an astonishing 80 decibels – more than 3 times louder than most cats.

去年夏天,我再次来到“大火山”去看生活在这座属于祖母的山上的人们。Last summer I returned to the Smokey Mountains to find many people enjoying my grandmother's mountain.

一开始我还以为那些烟雾是从炸弹中出来的,但是后来我才意识到了那些是北京惯常的雾霾。At first I thought it was smokey from the bomb, but then I realized it was just the usual Beijing haze.

开枪的巨响、烟雾和致命的杀伤力,能对敌人士气和肉体造成双重打击。This noisy, smokey and lethal weapon is so intimidating it causes morale damage as well as physical hurt.

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那时的我一度怀着极强的好奇心和我的堂姐妹们走进“火山”所在的树林里去探险。I remember when I was very young, my cousins and I would go exploring in the woods of the Smokey Mountains.

熊身上住著旋毛虫,遇到那些烹煮熊肉时火力不够旺的人,?们就很高兴地加以感染。The bears harbor the trichinella roundworm, which happily infects people who keep too low a fire on Smokey.

阿波罗剧院一条纪念在此诞生的传奇人物的人行道上,杰克逊加入了詹姆斯·布朗和斯莫基·罗宾逊的行列。A footpath plaque honoured the singer alongside such other Apollo legends as James Brown and Smokey Robinson.

这种烟熏妆式的眼睛是古埃及人最喜欢的,像克娄巴特拉就是其中之一的经典之作。The "smokey eyes" look favoured by ancient Egyptians such as Cleopatra is one of the most enduring in fashion.

此前获得格莱美终身成就奖的音乐人包括弗兰克・西纳特拉、史摩基・罗宾逊、比比金与鲍勃・迪伦等。Past winners of the lifetime achievement award include Frank Sinatra, Smokey Robinson, B.B. King and Bob Dylan.

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我至今仍记得在那炎热的八月午夜,我光着脚丫,在云烟缭绕并散发着魔力的山上追逐萤火虫的情景。I remember hot August nights, running around in bare feet, chasing after fireflies in the enchanted hills of the Smokey Mountains.

艾玛红毯上的颠覆形象,厚重的烟熏妆和皮夹克,这个泼辣的风格很讨人喜欢!Emma changed up her look for this red carpet event, with heavy kohl smokey eye make-up and in a leather jacket. We love her vixen style!

想要快速炮制一双烟熏眼,只需在上下眼睫毛的根部画上眼线,然后用手指将其晕开。For the quickest smokey eye, just line your top and bottom lash lines, then smudge and blend the liner onto your lids using your fingers.