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电脑排版,节省材料。Typeset and saving material.

我想问问你爱人会排版吗?I want to ask if your husband can typeset?

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排列单个字母的键盘操作打字机。A keyboard-operated typeset ting machine that sets separate characters.

电子排版用电脑辅助的排字和拼版。Electronic composition computer-assisted typeset ting and page make up.

总之,我希望未来的人工制能能多为人们排忧解难。In a word me the man-days with future hope system can can get typeset for people You untie disaster.

一个重载函数或方法有多个签名,通常会排版在一起。An overloaded function or method will have several signatures that will generally be typeset together.

SY公司是一家大学出版社独资的专业从事排版校对的中小型企业。SY is a small- medium sized enterprise solely owned by the University Press company specializing in typeset and collation.

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采用双焊炬管道全位置自动焊机叠焊和排焊,有效的提高了焊接速度和效率。With pair weld first layer upon layer to weld and get typeset weld , it is effective to have raised welding speed and efficiency.

液晶显示屏时时都离不开电源,而电子书则不然,一旦排好版,阅读电子书页便不再需要电源。Unlike an LCD screen, which uses power all the time, energy is no longer needed to view the electronic book's pages once they are typeset.

“标记”这一术语来自印刷业,该行业的校对人员把格式代码或修正代码标在书页稿样上,然后这些稿样被送去排版。The term "markup"came from the printing industry , where proofreaders marked formatting or correction codes on page proof that were then typeset.

邮票的制作相当粗糙,印模是以活字版排成圆形、面值数字在中间,然后用简陋的印刷方法印在纸上。These stamps were very crude and the dies for impressing them onto paper were made of curved printers' rules with typeset letters and figures within the circle.

作为文档处理领域内的一个前沿性研究课题,本文介绍了印刷体数学公式处理的现状,并指出了进一步的研究方向。As a frontier of document processing, we introduce the development in the field of processing typeset mathematic expression, and point out research aspects in the future.

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版面样本依照指定的排字格式和版面设计排成的一份版面样本例子。它预示印件的完成面貌或将会连至的效果。Sample pages representative pages typeset according to specifications and layout to show what a job will look like or to show the promised quality of the finished product.

我想设计一个标志,更好地适应这个宜家的形象,没有带走他们的即时识别一些,通过转移到1比标准排版文字符号更多的标志。I wanted to design a logo that better fit this image of IKEA, without taking away some of their instant recognition, by shifting the logo into more of a symbol than the standard typeset lettering.

图形,制图数据的图形显示和操作,如用于计算机辅助设计和计算机辅助制造、排字、版画作品、和教育及娱乐程序。The pictorial representation and manipulation of data as used in computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacture in typeset ting and the graphicarts and in educational and recreational programs.