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本文针对神经网络在DGS滤波特性中的应用进行了研究。In this paper, ANNs are applied to study of the bandgap characteristic of DGS.

文中最后给出了此基准电压源的各种性能的仿真波形。At last we make some characteristic waveform about this bandgap voltage reference.

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本文还计算和分析了入射角和无序度D对光子晶体带隙的影响。The influence of incident angle and degree of disorder D to the photonic bandgap are al.

变温实验说明相应发射峰与材料禁带中形成的杂质能级有关。It is believed that the emission peaks were concerned with impurity level in the bandgap.

这种带足够窄以至于形成电学带隙,从而拥有开关性能。The ribbons are narrow enough to have an electronic bandgap and thus switching properties.

光吸收系数以及禁带宽度均随薄膜厚度的增加而下降。Both the optical absorption coefficient and bandgap decrease with increasing in film thickness.

同样构造的线性变迹的光子晶体和正弦变迹的光子晶体对于光子禁带的中心频率和宽度有类似的影响。The apodized function has analogic effect to the center frequency and the width of the bandgap.

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基准电压产生电路为带隙电路的扩展,节省了资源并得到了高稳定度的基准电压。The voltage reference generator was the expansion of the bandgap circuit for saving the resources.

提出了一种新颖的小型超宽阻带电磁带隙结构。A novel compact electromagnetic bandgap structure is presented, which provides ultra-wide stopband.

给石墨烯引入带隙的方法之一是制作极窄的石墨烯带。One way of introducing a bandgap into graphene is to make extremely narrow ribbons of the material.

该LM1085电路包括1齐纳修剪带隙参考,电流限制和热关机。The LM1085 circuit includes a zener trimmed bandgap reference, current limiting and thermal shutdown.

设计了一种具有良好稳定性和高精度的带隙基准电压源电路。A bandgap voltage reference circuit with good stability and high accuracy is designed in this pa- per.

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而且带隙基准电压源结构自身的稳定性决定了欠压封锁能够稳定工作。Besides, the self-stability of the bandgap voltage reference structure makes the UVLO can work stably.

提出了一种新颖的带有软启动的高精密CMOS带隙基准电压源。This paper proposes a novel high precision CMOS bandgap voltage reference which with a soft-start up circuit.

由于厚膜中存在较强的表面相互作用,厚膜的直接跃迁禁带宽与薄膜相比发生了红移。A thick film has a red shift of direct transition bandgap than thin films due to the strong interface interaction.

用特征矩阵法研究了带有双缺陷的一维光子晶体的禁带结构特性。By means of transfer matrix method, we study the photonic bandgap properties of photonic crystals with two defects.

微功耗、低工作电压、高电源抑制比是在电源芯片中的基准源设计过程中遇到的主要挑战。Low power, low voltage and high PSRR are the main challenges in designing bandgap reference for switching regulator.

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缺陷接地结构由于其带阻特性而被广泛地应用到射频微波电路中,以改善电路性能。DGS are widely applied to RF and microwave circuits to improve the performance because of its bandgap characteristic.

在不改变周期的情况下,通过调整伸长窄带长度可以改变带隙特性频率。Without changing the period size, the frequency bandgap is varied when the length of the stretching strip is adjusted.

对洞的中等旋转角,我们揭示此结构的最大绝对带隙可以获得,且该角依赖于洞的半径和背景材料的折射指数。We reveal that a maximum absolute bandgap for this structure is achieved for an intermediate rotation angle of the holes.