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社会议程。Social Agenda.

使之社交化。Make it social.

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一个社交玩意?A social thingy?

这是交际的禅宗。It's social Zen.

社交活动。The social life.

活用社交网站。Use social networking.

社交恐惧症是什么?What is social phobia?

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什么是社会医学?What is social medicine?

垃圾食品已经成为社会意识的一部分Part of the social scene.

她是交际花胡蝶。She is a social butterfly.

微笑是社交信号。Smiles are social signals.

你是社交变色龙吗?Are You a Social Chameleon?

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颠覆社会秩序Upsetting the social order.

一个社交网络性质的游戏网站。A social networking fansite.

它能改善你的社交生活。It improves your social life.

社交乐观主义者或悲观主义者?Social optimist or pessimist?

有一些社会的压力。There are some social forces.

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它的社会性和交流性。It's social and communicative.

他会成为社会的废人吗?He will become a social basket?

社会是个大舞台。Social is a rather large arena.