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幽默如果运用得恰当,在吸引听众注意力上能取到很好的效果。Humor, handled well, can be a wonderful attention getter.

不管是什么公司,都会有大大小小的问题,所以先消消气。No matter what, there will be large and small, so to eliminate Getter.

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火车嘎然刹住了,格特跳了下来,伸手抱住。The train screeched to a halt and Getter jumped off. Getter reached Marki.

同时还叙述了该消气剂的使用方法和要求。The application method and requirements for this getter has also been described.

我已为电子邮件地址添加了一个写方法和读方法,以供框架访问。I have added a setter and getter for the e-mail address for the framework to access.

无JIT时,直接字段访问大约比调用getter访问快3倍。Without a JIT, direct field access is about 3x faster than invoking a trivial getter.

改进的消气剂装配确保了器件的良好密封性能。The improved getter installation technology was adopted for improving the device sealing performance.

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装扮还应该还有一双滑雪板以及内附粉红双襟汗衫。The getter up of two clubs will have a pair of skates, and a double breasted pink undershirt thrown in.

研制了一种由非蒸散型消气剂泵与冷阴极溅射离子泵组成的复合泵。A composite pump was developed which is composed of a non evaporable getter pump and a sputtering ion pump.

电解重水制备D2中常含有微量杂质N2,为降低N2含量,选择锆铁钛吸气剂高温对N2进行脱除。The getter was chosen to remove N2 in D2 which was prepared by electrolyzing heavy water in high temperature.

本文就阴极材料,封接工艺及吸气剂对频闪灯质量的影响进行了论述。The influence of cathode materials, getter and sealing technique upon the quality of flash lamps is described.

现在联赛只剩六场比赛了,红魔离卫冕越来越近了。Now with just six games to go in the race for the title, United are getter closer and closer to retaining the crown.

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与此同时,面试官也会认为能够提出这个问题的应聘者一定那种对成功志在必得的人。At the same time, the interviewer will think to this problem put forward candidates must have that kind of success go getter.

同时,介绍了锆钒铁吸气剂在电子器件、真空技术和科学研究中的应用。In the end. the application of the Zr-V-Fe getter in the electronic device, vacuum technology and scientific research are introduced.

带领东部首发的将是德怀特-霍华德,勒布朗-詹姆斯,凯文-加内特,德维恩-韦德,和艾伦-艾佛森。Leading the Eastern Conference will be leading vote getter Dwight Howard, LeBron James, Kevin Garnett, Dwyane Wade and Allen Iverson.

以非蒸散型吸气剂材料为研究对象,提出了一种吸氢动力学的基本模型。In the paper the kinetics of hydrogen absorption was studied, and a basic model was presented for the non- evaporable getter material.

集怀旧造型与先进生物柴油引擎技术于一身,这辆覆盖着草皮的大众车真的很夺人眼球。Combining the nostalgia of the chia pet and the technology of biodiesel engines, we think this grass-covered VW is a real attention getter.

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锆铝吸气泵是利用非蒸散型吸气剂吸附活性气体的一种新型真空设备。Zirconium-aluminium getter pump is a new type of vacuum installation, in which the non-evaporable getter material is used to absorb the active gases.

夏天,天气闷热,知了在树上大声的叫着,像是叫太阳公公不要发火,听听它的歌声,消消气。Summer, hot weather, cicada cried loudly in the trees, such as not to get angry father-in-law called the sun and listen to its songs, Getter extinction.

本院研制的锆铝合金消气剂已在灯泡、电子管、稀有气体净化,消气剂泵、碱金属释放器等方面广泛应用。Zr-Al Getter developed by our institute has been Widely used in lamps, electron tubes, purifying rare gases, Getter ion pumps, alkaline metal releasers etc.