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我曾经获得过设计当前交易大厅规则的荣幸。I had the privilege of designing the current clearinghouse algorithm.

IC3是美国为网络犯罪投诉设置的交易所。The IC3 is the clearinghouse for online crime complaints in the U. S.

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最大的票据交换所是联邦期权票据交换公司。The biggest clearinghouse is the Options Clearing Corporation in the United States.

票据交易所是解决持有人和签发人的交易以及利润或损失的拆借。A clearinghouse settles trades between holders and writers and credits profits or losses.

有些发言人表示,银行家有专业知识可以帮助清算所。Some of the spokesmen noted that the bankers have expertise that helps the clearinghouse.

在每天的交易结束之后,清算所将当天的买卖合约进行撮合。At the close of every trading day, the clearinghouse matches buy and sell contracts for the day.

六年间,谷歌已经成为了网络世界大家默认的交易所和主要的关卡。In the six years since, Google has become the web’s default clearinghouse and principal tollgate.

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任内雷氏于制订亚洲典范借鑑中心的策略性发展方向上扮演重要角色。Notably, he was a key figure in the process of developing a strategic direction for Asian Benchmarking Clearinghouse.

噪音信息交换所是国家的非营利组织,具有广泛的在线相关资源。The Noise Pollution Clearinghouse is a national non-profit organization with extensive online noise related resources.

美国国家糖尿病信息库为糖尿病人提供的眼保建议如下The U.S. National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse offers these suggestions for preventing eye problems if you're diabetic

其目的是建立一个清算所同时是一个电子交易系统,可以显示信贷违约互换产品的价格。The goal was to set up a clearinghouse as well as an electronic trading system that would display prices for credit default swaps.

在这个网站上可以查到联邦政府工作情况以及税款支出的信息。The administration launched, a clearinghouse of information on how the federal government works and how tax money is spent.

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另外,如果您的网站已被列在我们的坏软件的网站交换,我们将删除您的网站从票据交换清单。In addition, if your site has been listed in our Badware Website Clearinghouse, we will remove your site from the Clearinghouse list.

另外,如果你的站点还列在恶意软件的净化小屋里,我们将尽快把它从里面请出来。In addition, if your site has been listed in our Badware Website Clearinghouse , we will be removing your site from the Clearinghouse list.

点亮非洲计划以合作伙伴信息交换中心的形式协助一个由公共部门和民营企业组成的集合体中的国际合作。Lighting Africa serves as a partner clearinghouse to facilitate international collaboration among an assembly of public and private sector partners.

在危机进程中间,监管者要求银行加快建立处理衍生产品的交易清算所的计划,这是一项长期的任务。In the midst of the turmoil, regulators ordered banks to speed up plans — long in the making — to set up a clearinghouse to handle derivatives trading.

为具体类型的工业、程序或废物请教技术上的手册或者环保署的票据交换所,或者回顾被开发了的专题研究。Consult technical manuals or EPA's clearinghouse for specific type of industry, processes, or waste, or to review case studies that have been developed.

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一家新的衍生产品清算所欢迎Newedge、纽约银行和其他金融机构,即纳斯达克,它是其他大的衍生产品银行所回避的。The one new derivatives clearinghouse that has welcomed Newedge, Bank of New York and the others — Nasdaq — has been avoided by the big derivatives banks.

国际扶轮秘书处就好像是全世界所有扶轮社的交流中心,专门从事收集、分析、翻译及传播扶轮的资讯。The Secretariat of Rotary International acts as a clearinghouse for Rotary clubs worldwide, gathering, analyzing, translating, and disseminating Rotary information.

如果供应商开出了预付费产品的旅游发票,那旅游代理商或者是旅行社就必须把钱汇到供应商所属的,位置最近的国际航空运输协会的结算银行账户中。If a supplier generates an invoice for prepaid travel, the agency or tour operator pays into the supplier’s account maintained at the nearest IATA clearinghouse bank.