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想象一下,如果您想要一个体格彪悍的斗士。Imagine, if you will, a powerfully built warrior.

内容生动有力,It’,感人且具有说服力。s very powerfully written, moving and persuasive.

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对于美国人来说,这一刻具有强烈的象征意义。For Americans, the moment was powerfully emblematic.

虐囚备忘录强烈地损害了这个传统。The torture memo powerfully disserves this tradition.

独创全新的液压系统,s管阀换向更迅速。The unique hydraulic system, "S" valve can swing powerfully.

毕竟,香烟里的尼古丁是一种很容易让人上瘾的毒品。After all, the nicotine in cigarettes is a powerfully addictive drug.

欢迎来到比热,在这里,壮丽的罗纳河弯弯曲曲地流向南方。Welcome to the Bugey, where the grand Rhone River winds powerfully south.

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这一切都是那么熟悉,猛然让我想起了怀俄明州的牧场。It all felt so familiar and powerfully reminded me of the ranch in Wyoming.

从在罗马的那时起,我们疯狂地深陷爱河。From those first moments in Rome we were always madly and powerfully in love.

头部应当有强有力的结构,脑袋宽度适中,结实。The head should be powerfully built with a moderately broad and blocky skull.

没有什么像它一样影响我们的行为和工作效率了。Nothing more powerfully influences our behavior and our effectiveness at work.

非常强力的气味净化魔法油﹐广藿香根浸泡在每一瓶油内。Powerfully scented annointing oil, with patchouli root soaking in each bottle.

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一个很好的测试正手的方法是是否有能力稳定而有力量地杀高球。A good test of your forehand is the ability to smash lobs consistently and powerfully.

1988年份酒包括颜色较深的卡本妮和梅洛,酒体优雅,单宁味浓郁。The 1988s are deeply coloured Cabernets and Merlots, powerfully structured and tannic.

敞开这扇门是非常积极和大众的进步。That this door has opened to us is a powerfully positive and democratizing development.

当你转身的时候,我的心狠狠的抽动了一下。现在我知道了这个叫作心痛。When you turned back, my heart twitched powerfully. Now I know it's the feeling of pain.

而我们的感觉如何-我们的精神状态-有力地影响着我们的行动和交往。And how we feel --- our state of mind --- powerfully influences our actions and interactions.

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我们的祖先能够相互交谈,因而才成为有强大合作能力的物种。Because our ancestors could talk to each other, they became a powerfully cooperative species.

抗痘成分能直接深入皮下,祛除痘痘、粉刺,改善红肿。Directly deliver anti-acne essences into skin, powerfully remove acne and relieve reddish tone.

他们预感到其实接受道歉并没有我们想象当中那么有效果。They had a hunch that receiving an apology isn't as powerfully healing as we'd like to imagine.