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树丛下很凉快,阳光只剩下斑斑点点。There was cool, dappled sunlight under the trees.

阳光穿过树叶照在地上,现出一块块亮斑。The Sun. shining through the leaves dappled the ground.

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身上密布的条纹使她得以隐藏在阳光投射下的阴影中。In the sun dappled shadows, her banded markings make her invisible.

除了斑点色的腊肠犬,眼睛出现色环属于非常严重的缺陷。Wall eyes, except in the case of dappled dogs, are a serious fault.

鸟儿啁啾,森林里露出缕缕阳光。The birds are singing and the forest floor is dappled with sunlight.

听到小花牛惊慌的哞哞低鸣,她快步跑出茅屋。She rushed out of the hut when she heard her dappled cow low in dismay.

我们大唱童话歌曲,就连梦境也满是斑驳的童话主题。We sing fairy tale songs and our sleep is dappled with fairy tale leitmotifs.

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它们身上的伪装图案使它们在斑驳的光线下难以被看到.The banded patterns on their bodies make them hard to see in the dappled light.

最精彩场面在使光有斑点明亮,转向纯白色在这张照片的部分。The highlights in dappled light are very bright, turning to pure white in parts of this photo.

现在已是早晨,世界显得清静而肃穆,周围是一片碧绿,洒着金黄灿烂的阳光。Now it was morning and the world was still and serene and green and gold with dappled sunshine.

那是充满甜蜜的日子,我们已经过世的父母如树叶间洒下的斑驳阳光,温暖着我们。It was a day of love and life and our absent parents shone on us like the dappled sunlight through the trees.

这是一张大胆的,脚踏实地的唱片,带有流行的节奏并且显示出友好的旋律。It's a ballsy, foot to the floor, party record that comes dappled with pop hooks and shower-friendly melodies.

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他骑一匹强壮的花斑马,鬃毛和尾巴飘扬摇晃,马镫和马笼头都是镶银的。He rode upon a strong dappled horse with flowing mane and tail and his stirrups and bridle were inlaid with silver.

“双大理石”型的狗在身上除了本色和“大理石”图案外,常常还有大片大片的白毛区。Double dapples usually have large areas of white on their bodies in addition to the self colored, and dappled patches.

这是一个高对比度的光线,在充分的阳光花轻可的确非常光明的对比,周围的阴影。It is a high contrast light, in full sunlight dappled light can be very bright indeed in contrast to the shade around it.

也许它是秋日树叶投下的斑驳光景,又或是一波当地居民在咖啡馆外的谈笑。Maybe it's dappled light filteringthrough trees on an autumn day, or joy from a bunch of locals having a laugh outside a café.

老人向大玻璃窗望去,凝视着早晨的阳光将树木与停靠在路旁的汽车照的斑斑驳驳。He looked out the large plate glass window, studying the morning sunlight that dappled the trees and cars parked along the street.

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至少对您,德布雷先生,我是不必多加形容的,因为您对于我那两匹美丽的灰斑马是非常熟悉的。But to you, at least, M. Debray, I need not give a further description, Because to you my beautiful pair of dappled grays were well known.

西伦敦阳光斑驳的街道上,37岁的老牌足球运动员抱着自己可爱的小女儿悠然漫步,脸上忍不住流露出幸福的笑容。The 37-year old footballer couldn't help but laugh as he carried the adorable toddler through the sunshine dappled streets of West London.

大多数相机将无法捕捉全方位的音调中存在骓轻,尽管用肉眼您可以。Most cameras will not be able to capture the full range of tones that exist in dappled light, although with the naked eye you may be able to.