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镜中人。百听不厌。Man in the mirror.

忠实,镜照他们。Loyal, mirror them.

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反光立体镜?。Mirror stereoscope?

我有一面大镜子。I have a big mirror.

我们都需要镜子。We all need a mirror.

镜子能反光。A mirror reflects light.

月亮就像一面大镜子。It is like a big mirror.

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这是面凸面镜。This is a convex mirror.

大镜子在哪里呢?。Where's the taller mirror?

他对着镜子打扮。He had perked at the mirror.

她有一张丑得会吓破镜子的脸。Her face can crack a mirror.

我用一面小镜子看里面。I look inside with a mirror.

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湖面像镜子一样明澈。The lake as clear as mirror.

你藏起你那面最大的镜子。You hid your biggest mirror.

这男孩对着镜子哈气。The boy breathed on a mirror.

魔兽世界是一面印照出显示生活的镜子。WOW is a mirror of real life.

请尝试另一个镜像站。Please try a different mirror.

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你能把这个破镜黏合吗?。Can you glue the broken mirror?

我喜爱照镜子。I like to look into the mirror.

将后视镜拧紧到车门框架上。Screw down mirror on door frame.