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实物模型会看不起更有利。Mockups will be looked upon more favourably.

大家对这部影片反应很好。People responded very favourably to the film.

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这本书在报上受到好评。The book was favourably reviewed in the papers.

他勤奋学习的热情给老师留下了良好的印象。His enthusiasm for study struck his teacher favourably.

我的这辆旧车并不亚于布莱克的新车。This old car of mine compares favourably with Blake's new one.

乔津帆帮公司力挽狂澜,董事们对他另眼相看。QiaoJinFan help company tide, the directors look favourably upon him.

这相比更传统的定期的进展状况会议的方式更为有利。This compared very favourably to the more traditional periodic status meeting approach.

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如能最优惠地考虑我方还盘,我们精不胜感激。We will appreciate it very much if you will consider our counter-offer most favourably.

一旦你有理由,人们就象被迫使一样,会自动地作出比较友善的回应。As soon as you have a reason, people are compelled almost automatically to respond more favourably.

在诊断期任何有关系的压抑方面的发现认定都能够影响并提高存活率。Identification of relationship-related stress at time of diagnosis could favourably impact survival.

我们看到,与在富裕国家受阻相比,全球化在很多贫穷国家得到顺利实施。The result is that globalisation is viewed a lot more favourably in poor countries than in rich ones.

梅表示希望避免“置身悬崖边以致造成破坏性后果”——市场做出了积极的回应,英镑汇率反弹。Mrs May said she wishes to avoid a "disruptive cliff-edge" — and the markets responded favourably with sterling rebounding.

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调查用五度量表。因此,资料显示三组对本校的教与学有好的评估。Since a five-point scale was used, the data show that all three parties, especially parents, evaluated the school favourably.

亚运会的成功举办,也令全国、全亚洲乃至全世界对广州有一个全新认识。After the successful Asian Games Guangzhou is favourably recognized by the whole country, the whole Asia and even the whole world.

此外,我们会有益地和别人进行比较。低自尊会产生无助、无力、甚至抑郁。In addition, we compare ourselves favourably with others. Low self-esteem can mean helplessness, powerlessness and even depression.

最近一项调查显示,现在大部分的城市居民仍旧对纳特先生持肯定态度,但大多数市民对削减计划却没有好感。Mr Nutter is still viewed favourably by most city residents, according to a recent survey, but they are overwhelmingly unhappy about the cutbacks.

再者,试图给人民更安全的食物,在食品安全严重被威胁的今天,怎么会如此不被看好呢?Furthermore, how can plans to give the public safer food not be viewed favourably in today's situaton where food safety is being severely threatened?

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耶和华叫百姓在埃及人眼前蒙恩,并且摩西在埃及地、法老臣仆,和百姓的眼中看为极大。The Lord made the Egyptians favourably disposed toward the people, and Moses himself was highly regarded in Egypt by Pharaoh's officials and by the people.

许多商人认为美国法律制度的惩罚性监狱条款和共同诉讼比萨班斯-奥克雷法案甚至更不利。Many businessmen regard America's legal system, with its punitive jail terms and class-action lotteries, even less favourably than they view Sarbanes-Oxley.

耐藏品种“密极甘”比不耐藏品种“红心脆”呼吸强度低,而且持续的时间长。The respiratory intensity of favourably stored "Mizgan" is lower than that of non-favourably stored "Hongsentry" and this phenomenon persists in a long time.