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绅士应该值得信赖A gentleman must be trustworthy.

哪一种货币是更可靠的?Which currency is more trustworthy?

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他们是可信可靠的人。They are trustworthy and dependable.

奥力永远是您信赖的朋友。ONLY is your trustworthy friend forever.

梅德琳是个优秀而可靠的姑娘。Madeline is a superior, trustworthy girl.

你会说这个人是可信赖的吗?Would you say this person is trustworthy?

但是,并非所有的广告都真实可靠。But not all advertisements are trustworthy.

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他是个可信赖的、头脑冷静的领导。He is a trustworthy and level-headed leader.

以此告诉卖家这些供销商是值得信赖的。This tells buyers that they are trustworthy.

你的信仰使你对上帝更忠诚。Your faithfulness makes you trustworthy to God.

此外,一个好伴侣还要值得信赖。In addition, a good partner is also trustworthy.

在虚拟品牌社区的会员都是可信任的。Members of on-line brand community are trustworthy.

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阿谀奉承之辈最不可靠。Sycophancy was the device of the least trustworthy.

值得信赖的透明度超过令人厌倦的跟踪机制Trustworthy Transparency over Tiresome Traceability

事实证明,中国是东盟值得信赖的好邻居。Facts show that China is ASEAN’s trustworthy neighbor.

我想知道,是否你忠实可靠,值得信任。I want to know if you can be faithful and trustworthy.

“城市守信”是我公司的立身之本!"City and trustworthy" is the company's moral character!

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中国在可信任下一代互联网方面已有一些研究进展。China has made some progress in the trustworthy NGI area.

你和你的点子必须可靠且可信。You, and your idea, have to be believable and trustworthy.

他是可信赖的。他被公认为诚实而光明正大的人。He is trustworthy. He is regarded as honest and aboveboard.