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肉毒杆菌毒谢特征气体。Clostridium botulinum is gas production.

它是由一种叫肉毒杆菌的细菌合成。It is made by a bacterium called Clostridium botulinum.

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难辨梭状芽孢杆菌是一种革兰阳性肠道病原体。Clostridium difficile is a gram-positive enteric pathogen.

用于食品中产气荚膜梭菌的分离培养和计数。For isolating and enumerating Clostridium perfringens in food.

这种菌是通过在粪便中发现的芽胞进行传播的。The germ Clostridium difficile germ is spread through spores found in feces.

腐败梭菌是专性厌氧菌,它可引起多种疾病,对畜禽养殖有较大危害。Clostridium septicum is a anaerobic organism. It can produce a lot of diseases.

艰难梭状芽胞杆菌是在结肠内发现的一种肠内菌。The germ Clostridium difficile is an intestinal bug that is found in the colon.

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腐败梭菌是专性厌氧菌,它可引起多种疾病,对畜禽养殖业有较大危害。Clostridium putrificum is an anaerobic organism. It can cause a lot of diseases.

仅在英格兰和威尔士,每年梭状芽胞杆菌的病例有5万多。In England and Wales there are over 50,000 cases of Clostridium difficile each year.

了解酪酸梭菌和婴儿型双歧杆菌单独及混合培养时对霍乱弧菌的拮抗作用。To understand the antagonism of Clostridium butyric and Bifidobacterium infants to v.

我们从病人粪便和地鼠粪中分离出难辨梭菌101株。We isolated 101 strains of Clostridium difficile from feces of patients and hamsters.

在此条件下培养丁酸菌Z-10并测定丁酸菌Z-10的生长曲线。Culture Clostridium butyricum Z-10 under the conditions and drawn the growth curve of it.

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糖尿病患者发生败血梭状芽孢杆菌感染属较少见并发症,但死亡率很高。Diabetic myonecrosis with clostridium septic um is uncommon but carries a high mortality rate.

结论四川地区健康鸡群中存在的产气荚膜梭菌主要是A型。C. perfringens type A is the main Clostridium species in the healthy chickens in Sichuan province.

艰难梭状芽胞杆菌感染是一种常见的并且日渐严重的医院感染性疾病。Clostridium difficile infection is a common and increasingly severe nosocomial infectious disease.

艰难梭菌结肠炎是肝移植后的常见和严重的并发症。Clostridium difficile colitis remains a serious and common complication after liver transplantation.

肉毒素是A型肉毒杆菌的商业名称。Botox, the commercial name of botulinum toxin type A, is a neuro-toxin produced by Clostridium botulinum.

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肉毒梭菌为厌氧细菌,这意味着它可以生存和发展与很少或根本没有氧气。Clostridium botulinum bacteria is anaerobic, which means it can survive and grow with little or no oxygen.

当没有其他细菌与其竞争时,艰难梭状芽胞杆菌能更快地繁殖。Without the other bacteria and germs to compete with, Clostridium difficile is able to multiply more easily.

动物研究表明,与锑难辨梭状芽孢杆菌,一种常见的细菌性腹泻造成干扰。Animal research with Sb shows interference with Clostridium difficile , a common bacterial cause of diarrhea.