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他现在面对侦讯。He now faces investigation.

这件事情需要调查。This matter bears investigation.

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这起案件仍在调查中。The case remains under investigation.

考察可能要花好几个月时间。The investigation may take many months.

事件调查应及时进行。Incident investigation should be timely.

目前案件正在进一步侦办过程中。This case is under further investigation.

调查正在进行中,奥克斯说。An investigation is under way, Okoth said.

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调查组又成立了。An investigation team has been set up again.

闲来无事,做个调查。Comes the safe idly, makes an investigation.

他下令对此事开展调查。He ordered an investigation into the affair.

他徇私舞弊,是个贪官。Investigation of fraud was their commission.

这位前国会议员主持了这次调查。The ex-congressman headed the investigation.

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采用劳动卫生学调查方法。To adopt labor hygiene investigation method.

他的社会调查工作结果很成功。His social investigation results sucessfully.

陨石的研究和收藏等若干章节。Investigation and collection of the Aerolite.

调查结果证明他无罪。Investigation exculpated him from the charge.

调查报告中有谎言。The investigation report was laced with lies.

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尼克松阻碍水门事件的调查。Nixon stonewalled the Watergate investigation.

皇家骑警称调查正在继续。The RCMP said its investigation is continuing.

是否认同韩方调查结果?Does China agree with the investigation result?