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收养人只能收养一名子女。The adopter may only adopt one child.

收养人只能收养一名子女。The adopter may adopt one child only, male or female.

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第八条收养人只能收养一名子女。Article 8 The adopter may adopt one child only, male or female.

江开国想去找收养人沈教授。Want to go to find the adopter professor shen Jiang Kai countries.

但是早期的购买者倾向于是吹毛求疵的消费者。But early adopter buyers, analysts say, tend to be picky consumers.

他很早就开始撰写博客,而且对此事的态度极为严肃。He was an early adopter of blogging, and he takes it very seriously.

然而,开发人员如果急需使用,可以去申请早期采用计划。However developers needing it sooner can enroll in an early adopter program.

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但其他新技术的早期用户也存在类似现象。But so is the average early adopter of new technology, historically speaking.

新西兰早在1992年就接受了基于绩效的建筑规范。New Zealand was an early adopter of a performance-based building code in 1992.

他总是在寻找令人兴奋的新技术,并愿意马上采用这些技术。He is a early adopter who is consistantly looking for new exciting technologies.

该研究跨越过去几年并且涉及50家以上早期实践企业。The study spanned the last couple years and more than 50 early adopter enterprises.

我爸爸是个极客,他是个追求新科技的新人类,想知道他喜欢什么并不难。He's an early adopter when it comes to new technology. So it is not hard to figure out what he likes.

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我们是先驱者,遇到了数不胜数的挑战,这些挑战都伴随着领域问题。We are an early adopter and face many of the standard challenges, that just comes with the territory.

她是早期工厂以太网、自动化网络隔离、数字存取网络的培育者。She was an early adopter of plant-floor Ethernet, automation network segregation, and web-based data access.

个人采纳者的性格在对信任不熟悉事物的习性上扮演了重要角色。The personality of the individual adopter plays an important role in the propensity to trust the unfamiliar.

收养的效力,适用收养时收养人经常居所地法律。The laws at the habitual residence of the adopter at the time of adoption shall apply to the validity of adoption.

此外,驾驶者还藉此成了历史上第一批采用新型汽车动力系统的人之一。And you could still count yourself as an early adopter of this historic development in automotive propulsion systems.

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敏捷的“早期采纳者”们通常将这种方法带入已经存在某种程度的敏捷的组织中。The "early adopter" profile of agile adoption often brought the approach into organizations already quite agile in their ways.

比如,假设早期采用者找到了一种帮助数据库管理员从突发失效中恢复的工具。For example, suppose the Early Adopter found a tool intended to help database administrators recover from catastrophic failures.

第二十八条收养的条件和手续,适用收养人和被收养人经常居所地法律。Article 28 The laws at the habitual residence of the adopter and the adoptee shall apply to the qualifications and formalities of adoption.