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麦克梯格摊开那双生满老茧坚硬的手掌。Mcteague exhibited his hard, calloused palms.

“好的大爷,我会的,”我握住他的长满硬茧的手说。"Yes grandpa, I will, " I shake his calloused hands with two of mine.

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他的头发邋遢而凌乱,他结满茧子的双手伤痕累累脏污不堪。His hair was unkempt and frazzled, his calloused hands cut and stained.

当他清洗干净后,我给他膝、肘、脚底部的茧涂了些药水。After he was clean, I rubbed lotion on his calloused knees, elbows, and feet.

同伴可能会注意到,马宏升的右手掌比左手掌粗糙。A fellow rower might notice that his right palm is more calloused than the left.

他们把大部分的重量放在手掌的后跟部,手掌很粗糙而且很硬。They put much of their weight on the heels of their palms, which are rough and calloused.

没人穿鞋,他们的脚底都长满茧子,坚硬一如他们的手掌。No one wore shoes, and the bottoms of their feet were calloused and hard, as were their palms.

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牢牢握在我已发麻的手里的旧耙子传递着尖齿下坚实土地的感觉。The old rake, sturdy in my calloused hands, conveyed the feel of firm earth beneath its tines.

牢牢握在我起了茧子的手里的那把旧耙子传递着尖齿下坚实土地的感觉。The old rake, sturdy in my calloused hands, conveyed the feel of firm earth beneath its tines.

他放在铁丝栅栏上的手打满了老茧,裂着一条条黑乎乎的口子。The calloused hands he rested on the wire fence were cracked, and every crack was a black line.

而你最终对自己感觉很糟糕,或者对罪变得麻木,就忽视它。And you either wind up feeling terrible about yourself or you become calloused to the sin and just ignore it.

他们长满老茧的手脚永远都洗不干净。因为艰辛岁月的泥土,早已深深刻进了他们的肉体里。They calloused hands never wash clean. Because of hard years of clay, have been deeply engraved in their body.

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刺鼻的,因为用这来清除掉那些附着在父亲那坚硬手上和指甲里的污垢油垢。Pungent, because this was for removing ground-in dirt and oil from beneath hardened fingernails and from calloused hands.

法老一定知道国内的灾情,但他太骄傲、无情了,只关心他自己。Pharaoh must have known of the destruction thus far, but he was too proud, calloused , and insensitive to care about anyone but himself.

舞文弄墨的手毕竟比不上长满老茧的手,不到半晌,开始叫唤了,指缝、掌心磨出大个小个的水泡来了。Show off literary skill hand after all than calloused hands, not to the moment, began to bark, fingers, hand grinding out a small blisters.

百姓属灵的眼是瞎的,心是刚硬的,这从他们回覆玛拉基的话可以看出来。The people's spiritual blindness, calloused hearts, and spiritual decay were evident in their questions and responses to the words of the prophet Malachi.

在一个气温只有华氏40度的夜晚,她只穿着一件褪了色的印花连衣裙,一件薄薄的、小得连纽扣都扣不起来的羊毛衫和一双黑色的塑料拖鞋,拖鞋的后帮已经剪掉,露出了长满老茧的脚后跟。On a forty-degree night, she was wearing only a faded print dress, a thin sweater too small to button, and black slippers with the backs cut out to expose calloused heels.

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据报导,该死亡男子据称25岁左右,身高169厘米,短发,左肩部有痣,手部的厚茧显示他从事体力劳动。It says the dead man is believe to have been about 25 years old, 169 centimeters tall, with short hair, moles on his left shoulder and thick calloused hands that suggested a life of manual labor.

而最重要的是,我请你们加入到家园的重建中来,用二百二十一年以来我们唯一的方法,美国的方法——一砖一瓦,水滴石穿。And, above all, I will ask you to join in the work of remaking this nation, the only way it’s been done in America for 221 years — block by block, brick by brick, calloused hand by calloused hand.