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反思包括背心网状布和涤纶布。Reflection Vests including reticulation cloth and polyester cloth.

它的微孔主体网状结构是采用低分子量PTFE树脂膨化拉伸而得到的。It's reticulation structure is obtained by drawing thermal expansion low molecule PTFE resin.

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在三维网状结构的穿越,置身于银河之中,感受无尽的美味。In three-dimensional reticulation traversing, place oneself in the galaxy, feeling of endless delicious.

从电镜照片来看,凝胶的结构很强,呈多重网状结构。The photos show that the gel structure of the gel is very strong and has many layers reticulation configurations.

酸奶凝胶超微结构呈一种纤维网状立体结构,网状纤维中间形成无数有规则的空隙。The microstructure of yogurt gels presented reticulation structures, in which there were numberless regular interspaces.

无论何时,你看到胸片上长期存在的网状影,并且多位于下叶和肺周边部,你应想到uip。Whenever you see a chest film with long standing reticulation with a lower lobe and peripheral preference also think 'UIP'.

“自动矢量处理”实现了在自然数据基础上网状径路数据自动产生、快速运算。The way of automatic vector processing accomplishes automatically generation of reticulation route data and quick operation.

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造纸工业可以利用海泡石的强吸附性和植物纤维的网状结构,生产具有吸附性的滤纸。The high adsorptivity of sepiolite and reticulation of plant fiber can be utilized to produce filter paper with high adsorptivity.

与深隧道系统,污水管网系统,在新加坡,将在不久将来,构成只有重力下水道相连的深层隧道。With the deep tunnel system, the sewer reticulation system in Singapore will, in future, consist of only gravity sewers linked to deep tunnels.

重建后的松质骨三维立体图像呈均匀、致密的立体网状结构,骨小梁连接清晰可见。The 3D images of trabecular structure of cancellous bone after reconstruction were displayed with peculiarity of uniformity a nd solid reticulation.

水网区在宏观尺度上可被视为一种连续介质,可用水在多孔介质中的运动来比拟水网中水的运动。The water reticulation is regarded as a continuous medium and water movement in the system is analogized with that in porous medium in macroscopic scale.

而我们现在的这种蚕丝棉机加工出的蚕丝棉,蚕丝纤维长、网状规格大,能很好地解决所加工的蚕丝棉被收缩变小的现象。And now our machine can solve this problem easily, because the silk fiber is long, the size of reticulation isbig. No need to renovate the quilt in 10 years.

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网状结构也可以应用于其他需要广播消息但又信息分布的应用中。What is more, the reticulation structure can also be used in applications in which messages need to be broadcasted and the information of nodes is distributed.

本文提出了高等院校内部管理权力“三棱型”权力结构模式、“梭型”权力分配模式、“立体网状型”内部管理系统模式。"Three edge" structural mode of power, "shuttle" distributive mode of power and "tridimensional reticulation" inner managing mode in university have been constructed in the paper.

硬镍合金铸铁是一种良好的抗磨材料,但由于其碳化物呈网状和组织粗大,使其韧性低和性能不够稳定。Hard nickel cast iron is a kind of good wear resistant material, but its carbide formed as reticulation and microstructure was coarse, resulting in low toughness and unstable properties.

上海公安机关为适应新形势需要,相继推出社区警务、责任区刑队和网格民警改革新举措。In order to adapt to the new situation, Shanghai public security organ has successively put forth new measures of community policing, responsibility criminal team and reticulation police.

以流动状态、压力损失为考核指标,以风速、静止料层高、金属网层数、进料量为因子,设计正交实验,求出沸腾床的最佳操作参数。Wind speed, height of the static alumina, tiers of the wire reticulation and quantity of the feeding alumina are selected as affecting factors. Then orthogonal test tabulation is designed.

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WC原始颗粒以各种复式碳化物的形式析出,分别形成枝状或鱼骨状共晶碳化物、网状二次碳化物及大块状碳化物。Multiple carbides are precipitated from WC particles, which form many different shapes such as dendrite or fishbone eutectic carbide, reticulation secondary carbide and conglomeration carbide.

另一方面海绵质网状结构及网纹中网底的精细网状结构可能还有利于种子在萌发时吸收水分。Seeds are probably protected by a membranous reticulation structure while spongy reticulation and subtle reticulation in the reticulation bottom may facilitate seeds imbibing water when germinating.

研究了热处理工艺对铸态和变质处理铸造高速钢组织与性能的影响。The results show that the grain is fined, the morphology of reticulation carbides is improved, the hardness and wear resistance of casting high speed steels are also enhanced by modifying treatment.