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以命令的口气说话的人通常都是邪恶的无赖。People who pontificate are usually unholy bores.

教皇福尔摩苏斯上任四年半后去世。Pope Formosus died after a pontificate of four and a half years.

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政治家喜欢自大地表示下降标准旳缘故。Politicians like to pontificate the reason about falling standards.

政治家喜欢自大地表示下降标准的原因。Politicians like to pontificate the reason about falling standards.

我也发现,人们十分喜欢讨论关于汇率的问题。I notice that people really like to pontificate about exchange rates.

他任职教皇的中心意图就是要恢复教皇权力。The central meaning of his pontificate is to restore papal authority.

尼古拉二世任期内,米兰开始了一场有趣的斗争。During the pontificate of Nicholas II an interesting struggle began in Milan.

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第二个杀手是教宗“瞄准的平方钢的心脏,受害人”。The second assassin is the Pontificate "aiming the square of steel at the heart of the victim".

休主教奥弗莱厄蒂,爱尔兰神父,被分配到梵蒂冈教皇在教皇皮乌斯十二。Monsignor Hugh OFlaherty, an Irish priest, was assigned to the Vatican under the pontificate of Pope Pius XII.

皮考斯基和特劳纳更有可能在周末研读上市公司年报,而不会就全球经济问题夸夸其谈。Pitkowsky and Trauner are more likely to read 10-Ks over the weekend than pontificate about global economic themes.

虚伪的希拉里轻松的替非洲人决定了他们应该和谁做生意。How hypocritical is it for Hillary Clinton to pontificate to Africans about who they should do business with. As if the U.

若望保禄二世宗座是雄辩和鲜明的标记,不仅代表天主教徒,也为世界公众的喉舌,无分肤色和信仰。John Paul II's pontificate was an eloquent and clear sign, not only for Catholics, but also for world public opinion, for people of all colour and creed.

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若望·保禄二世任职期间,天主教与犹太教的关系大为改善。他经常谈及教会与犹太教徒的关系。Relations between Catholicism and Judaism improved during the pontificate of John Paul II. He spoke frequently about the Church's relationship with Jews.

有些公司强制要求员工使用视频会议,以便让分散各地的许多人——有时可达上百人——可以在发表意见时看到彼此。Some are foisting video conferences on their people instead so that up to 100 individuals in far- flung places can now all watch each other while they pontificate.

真正的自杀是有步调且训练有素的必然,人们武断地说“自杀是懦弱的行为”,真是错的离谱,自杀需要极大的勇气。A true suicide is a paced, disciplined certainty. People pontificate "suicide is an coward's act". Couldn't be further from the truth. Suicide takes tremendous courage.

也因为管理这个国家的那些人,以及教育管理国家的那些人的那些人,表现得好像他们有所有问题的答案,可实际上,很明显,没有。because the people who run the country, and the people who pontificate about the people who run the country, act like they have all the answers when, clearly, they don't.

你这个残忍的游客,略去这个庞大国家的文化,像一个该死的圣人一样武断地发表意见,你的观点真的像一个18+旅游指南一样乏味。Your a bloody tourist who has skimmed the culture of a huge nation to pontificate like a fricking oracle , when really you opinions are as vapid as a 18 plus travel guide.

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新的facebook和youtube页面将突出保罗二世将近27年任职的视频剪辑,它们是由梵蒂冈广播和电视中心保存的。The new Facebook and YouTube pages feature video clips from John Paul’s nearly 27-year pontificate and are being maintained by Vatican Radio and of the Vatican Television Centre.