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但这种僵局并不存在。Such a logjam does not exist.

以色列或许也能帮忙打破黎巴嫩的僵局。Israel may be able to help break the logjam in Lebanon too.

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这就导致了希腊-马其顿边境的僵局。The result is the current logjam on the Greek-Macedonian border.

1957年苏联发射人造卫星“斯普特尼克”1号,这才打破了政策僵局。It took the 1957 launch of Sputnik, the Soviet satellite, to break the policy logjam.

这场僵局主要影响了那些来自战略性国家的富裕、受过良好教育的学生。The logjam affects mostly wealthy, well-educated folk in strategically important countries.

但合作的信号可能打破在美国参议院和国际谈判中的僵局。But signs of collaboration could unblock the logjam in the Senate and in international talks.

对于纽约来说,他们能得到保罗和奥卡福,在前锋的位置上也可打破僵局。For New York, they would obtain Paul and Okafor and have a bit of logjam at the forward spot.

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此僵局直到2008年东芝宣布将停产其产品才得到了解决。The logjam was resolved in 2008 when Toshiba announced it would stop manufacturing its system.

我们恭喜台湾来自所有主要政党的领导人,一起找出打破这一僵局的方法。We congratulate taiwan's leaders from all major part ies for finding a way to break this logjam.

河上漂流的原木周围浮满了旧汽水瓶和漂白剂瓶,我们就在那下面捉鲈鱼和蓝鳃太阳鱼。We caught bass and bluegills from beneath the rafts of old soda and bleach bottles that floated at each logjam.

她和其他员工的这种做法导致周一的邮件发送出现拥堵。The resulting backlog from her and other employees led to a logjam of messages in everyone's in-boxes on Monday.

直到全球信贷紧缩的僵局被真正打破,目前紧张的经济气候将会持续。And until the tight global credit logjam really can be broken up, the currently tense economic climate will remain.

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英国央行决策者们表示,他们正考虑采取进一步措施缓解信贷市场的紧张状况。Bank of England policy makers indicated they are considering 'further measures' to ease the logjam in credit markets.

今天下午,直到布朗以英国人相应获得外交政策职位为条件作出让步,僵局才被打破。The logjam was broken this afternoon when Brown yielded on condition that Britain obtained the foreign policy job in return.

夏天,这个前锋将会成为受限制的自由球员,而在下赛季拜纳姆回归后,他就面临着前场球员拥挤的局面。The forward will be a restricted free agent this summer and faces a possible logjam in the frontcourt with the return of Bynum next season.

今年夏天这个前锋将成为受限制的自由球员,在下个赛季拜姆回来之后在前场将面临一个僵局。The forward will be a restricted free agent this summer and faces a possible logjam in the frontcourt with the return of Bynum next season.

因为财政资金方面的原因,也因为锋线上的拥挤,湖人决定不再向罗尼图里亚夫提供昂贵的合同。For financial reasons and because of their logjam in the frontcourt, the Lakers decided not to match the rich offer extended to Ronny Turiaf.

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理论上讲,湖人遇到麻烦了,不只是他们和三个球队并列排在西部第二。Technically speaking, the Lakers are in trouble, and not just because they're in a three-way logjam for second place in the Western Conference.

即使是现在,美国政界对于气候变化问题泾渭分明——尽管巴拉克·奥巴马总统有机会来打破这个僵局。Even now, American politics remains strongly divided over climate change – though President Barack Obama has new opportunities to break the logjam.

这块标本是一堆“混杂”化石的一部分---其中包括两条食肉恐龙,其中一条可能剑龙,和四条蜥脚类恐龙,这些化石是最近在犹他州的一次发掘中被发现的。The specimen is one of a "logjam" of fossils—including two meat-eating dinosaurs, a probable Stegosaurus, and four sauropods—found recently at a dig in Utah.