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在化妆间。In a dressing room.

他喜欢穿着入时。He loved dressing well.

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拂去梳妆台的灰尘。Dust the dressing table.

凯莉爱打扮。Kally loves dressing up.

凯丽喜爱打扮。Kally loves dressing up.

我要意大利调味酱。I'd like Italian dressing.

我要打扮成一个鬼。I'm dressing up as a ghost.

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我正在装扮成一个鬼。I?m dressing up as a ghost.

你喜欢什么调味品?。Wht dressing would you like?

第一站,化妆间!First stop, the dressing room!

最好只食用低卡沙拉酱。Use only low-calorie dressing.

只留有苍白的晚妆。Pale late dressing is left only.

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我们全要意大利酱。We'll all take Italian dressing.

我能尝到调味品中的洋苏叶。I can taste sage in the dressing.

他在给化妆台掸去灰尘吗?。Is he dusting the dressing table?

我想说,我喜欢穿衣打扮。Yeah, I mean, I love dressing up.

妇女穿的宽松的晨衣。A loose dressing gown or negligee.

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她对梳妆打扮一点也不感兴趣。She cares nothing for dressing up.

这种色拉调料的柠檬味太重。The salad dressing was too lemony.

用蜂蜜作调味品的蛋糕。What kinds of dressing do you have?