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现代化的设施包括一冰和其他用品坎蒂纳。The modern amenities include a cantina with ice and other supplies.

在英格兰拍摄的小酒馆镜头里,巴巴拥有像鳍一样的大手。In the cantina sequences filmed in England, Baba has large fin-like hands.

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阿克梅娜是塔图因星球莫斯艾斯利酒馆的夜班服务员。Ackmena was the night-time bartender of the Mos Eisley Cantina on Tatooine.

隐秘沙漠小镇里的一间冷清的酒吧里,一个矮小的、醉熏熏的男人自饮自乐。In a nearly empty cantina in a dark desert town, the short, drunk man makes his pitch.

结束后的场景是在在亥伯龙号的酒吧上,雷诺在看电视上的一个新闻报告。Afterwards you end up in the Hyperion’s Cantina where Raynor watches a news report on TV.

莫斯埃斯利酒馆中出现的那个阿科纳人,是一个简单的,眼睛安了灯泡的木偶。The Arcona seen in the Mos Eisley Cantina was realized as a simple puppet with illuminated eyes.

就在她陈述事实的时候,附近一个加哇酒客倒下了,其皮肤表现出布莱索病的症状。As she laid down the facts, a nearby Jawa cantina patron collapsed with visible symptoms of Bledsoe's.

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他在莫斯艾斯利小酒馆被欧比—万·克诺比砍下一条胳膊,但侥幸逃生。He barely escaped alive, having his arm cleaved off by the Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi in the Mos Eisley Cantina.

最早出现在银幕上的阿夸利什人是庞达·巴巴,那个在莫斯埃斯利酒馆和卢克搭讪的野蛮暴徒。The first Aqualish seen on screen was Ponda Baba, the brutish thug that accosts Luke in the Mos Eisley Cantina.

他们终于可以走下酒馆演奏台,去更大、更像样的地方演出了。They were able to move their performances off the cantina bandstand stage and into a larger, more proper venue.

其中一个名叫格里多的笨拙罗迪亚人最先找到索洛,可他在交手中败得很惨,最终在莫斯埃斯利一个肮脏的小酒馆里被打死。One of the first, a bumbling Rodian named Greedo, failed miserably and ended up fried in a seedy Mos Eisley cantina.

那些突袭麦基托水晶洞的英雄传说便成了人们在全银河各地酒吧中的谈资。Daring accounts of raiding the crystal caves of Mygeeto became the stuff of cantina tall tales throughout the galaxy.

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兰多·卡瑞森恰好在塔那伯的太空港城市潘达斯的小酒馆里,在全息播放器上看到了情况。Lando Calrissian happened to be in a cantina in Taanab's spaceport city of Pandath, observing the situation on a holovid.

韩·索洛这个角色的装束像一个典型的赏金杀手,而摩斯·艾斯雷酒吧也很像一个老式西部沙龙。The character Han Solo dressed like an archetypal gunslinger, and the Mos Eisley Cantina is much like an old west saloon.

当攻击不再发生后,这座碉堡就成了小酒馆,几易其手。When the attacks never materialized, the blockhouse was converted into a bar, and the cantina has changed hands many times.

在一家小酒馆里,泰尔英勇地把杀害安妮莎父亲的凶手逼入死角,打倒了这个恶棍,领到了赏金。Tel heroically cornered the murderer of Aneesa's father in a cantina and bested the villain in combat, collecting the bounty.

服装设计师约翰·莫洛为三名出现于莫斯艾斯利酒吧的罗迪亚人画了草图,称呼他们为“火星人”。Costume Designer John Mollo's sketches for the three Rodians present in the Mos Eisley Cantina referred to them as "Martians."

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莫斯埃斯利小酒馆位于旧区中心,离“王太后号”的残骸就隔一条尘土飞扬的街。Located in the heart of the Old Quarter, the Mos Eisley Cantina is just across the dusty street from the Dowager Queen wreckage.

然而,有一次他在酒馆里打架斗殴时,打倒的一个醉鬼碰巧是个被悬赏追杀的人。His fate changed, however, when as a young man drawn into a cantina brawl, he was able to inadvertently score a bounty on his drunken foe.

这个长鼻子的线人从莫斯埃斯利一路跟踪卢克·天行者和欧比-万·克诺比到94号船库。This long-snooted informant shadowed Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi as they made their way from the Mos Eisley Cantina to Docking Bay 94.