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这只会自取灭亡。This is suicidal.

有自杀或者行凶的冲动。Suicidal or homicidal urges.

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浪费宝贵的时光等于自杀。It is suicidal pottering away valuable time.

他容易激动,但抑郁并且有自杀倾向。He was hotheaded, but depressive and suicidal.

他很沮丧,甚至想去自杀。这甚至连孩子都知道得更清楚。He was depressed, even suicidal. Even a child knows better.

因此,自杀前科是自杀的一个重大风险。Therefore, prior suicidal behaviour is a major risk factor.

日番谷、奋不顾身的冰天百华葬!Hitsugaya, the Suicidal Frozen Heavens Hundred Flowers Funeral!

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只有少数患者表示经常有自杀的想法。Only a handful of patients said they often had suicidal thoughts.

如果你现在想自杀,请稍停一下,看看这个。If you are feeling suicidal now, please stop long enough to read this.

勒妮的死,让帕洛玛终于放弃了自杀的念头。Michael's dead, let parlour manasseh finally gave up feeling suicidal.

泰瑞不像是自杀的,他不可以杀他自己。Terry is a suicidal voyeur who doesn't seem to be able to kill himself.

自杀性切伤特有的部位是颈部、腕部或脚踝。Suicidal incised wounds are characteristically on the neck, wrists, or ankles.

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卡斯特雷萨纳对我说,加西亚很可能帮助“诱导了”罗森博格的自杀行为。Castresana told me that García likely helped “induce” Rosenberg’s suicidal act.

当毒虫被反重力之后,他们是否还有跟自杀机一样的自杀能力?Do Anti- Gravitated Banelings keep their suicidal abilities and act as Scourge?

经验告诉我们对现实采取回避态度是自取灭亡。Experience has taught us that to adopt an ostrich-like policy here is suicidal.

他们发现,重性抑郁症是最有力的自杀构想预测因子。A major depression was the strongest predictor of suicidal ideation, they found.

莺婕的母亲起初感觉受到了毁灭性的打击,一度病倒在床头长达数周之久。Yinjie's mother felt suicidal at first and collapsed in bed for weeks at a time.

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非致命的自杀行为往往是在绝望的情况下希望得到别人的帮助。Nonfatal suicidal behaviours are often a desperate invitation for others to help.

他是否将从事这项毁灭性的计划仍是个未知。Whether he will actually embark on this potentially suicidal plan is also unclear.

立法者要求阻止这种自我毁灭过程,并给它一个理智的发展方向。The legislators claim to stop this suicidal course and to give it a saner direction.