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我目前最喜欢的就是AK记事本。My favorite, by far, is AK Notepad.

他通过发明AK对世界造成了一个巨大的伤害。He has done a great disservice to the world by inventing AK.

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关键问题是,正义与发展党错失了良机。The key issue is that the AK Party missed a great opportunity.

这些企业家们帮助正义与发展党构建了支持力量中的中流砥柱。Their bosses help to form a backbone of support for the AK party.

克里斯蒂安桑挪威最南端一城市,位于斯卡格拉克海峡沿岸、奥斯陆西南。A city of extreme southern Norw ay on the Sk agerr ak southwest of Oslo.

引起白魔芋和花魔芋褐变的酶均为多酚氧化酶。The enzyme which arouse the browning of AK and AA is polyphenol oxidase.

没有充分的证据表明正发党在执政期间试图颠覆世俗主义。And there is scant evidence that AK has used its time in office to subvert secularism.

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正义与发展党副主席弗拉特否认执政党进行恫吓的说法。Deputy chairman of the AK Party, Dengir Mir Mehmet Firat, dismissed the intimidation charge.

正义与发展党输掉了12座城市的控制权,其中就包括埃尔多安夫人艾米奈的故乡,位于东南部的锡尔特。AK lost 12 cities, among them Siirt in the south-east, the home town of Mr Erdogan's wife, Emine.

我陷再在店里随身都带著一把AK步枪,」哈米德的同事阿布˙撒贾德表示。I keep an AK with me at the shop now, " Abu Sajjad, 66, a colleague of Mr Hamid, said yesterday."

土耳其宪法法院说,他们将对禁止执政党--正义与发展党活动的诉讼举行听证。The Turkish Constitutional Court has announced it will hear the closure case against the ruling AK Party.

约翰尼创立AK品牌的灵感来自伦敦进修在暗斗结束后的全国。Johnny founded AK brand inspiration from the study in London during the cold war after the end of the world.

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然而,你必须谨记,饮用酒精杀手饮料并不能保证你不喝醉,更不意味着你可以酒后驾驶。However, it’s important to remember that drinking AK does NOT prevent intoxication. It’s not your ‘DUI license’.

发对党声称AK党江利用这次宪法修订机会,将法院塞满伊斯兰教徒,为宗教统治铺平道路。The opposition claims AK will use the changes to pack the courts with Islamists, paving the way to religious rule.

为正义与发展党辩护的律师辩称,控方长达162页的指控毫无根据,同时充斥着不准确的内容。Lawyers for the AK Party argue the charges against it, which run to 162 pages, are baseless and filled with inaccuracies.

土耳其首席检察官向宪法法院提交了一份长达162页的起诉书,指责正义与发展党有组织地破坏这个世俗国家。Turkey's top prosecutor prepared a 162-page indictment accusing the AK Party of systematically undermining the secular state.

但是,土耳其记者阿基夫埃姆雷说,执政的伊斯兰正义与发展党的伊朗政策并不意味着它是它的西方盟国拒绝。But Turkish journalist Akif Emre says the ruling Islamic AK Party's Iran policy does not mean it is rejecting its Western allies.

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似乎一场疯狂的破坏正在进行。先是潜艇爆炸,现在是大力神运输机坠毁。安东尼先生去哪里了。难道他真的是敌人的朋友。There seem to be a spree sabotage as submarine is destroyed now the Hercules. Where is mr AK. Is he really our an enemy's friend.

俄亥俄是美国最大的制造业基地,也是几大核心企业的总部所在地,如宝洁公司,AK钢铁公司等。Ohio is one of the U.S.'s biggest manufacturing states. It is home to major companies such as Procter &Gamble and AK Steel Corporation.

然后对新增长理论模型中的“干中学”模型、AK模型、罗默的技术内生模型和卢卡斯的人力资本模型进行了简单回顾。Then this article briefly reviewed the "learn-by-doing" model, AK model, endogenous technological change model and human capital model.