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什么是你应当贡献的?What will be your contribution?

我也确实重视你的贡献。And I do value your contribution.

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我们各人都有所要作出的贡献。We each have a contribution to make.

我们依据他的奉献付酬。We pay him according to his contribution.

为什么我们迫切需要你的贡献。Why we desperately need your contribution.

品特对戏剧的贡献是巨大的。Pinter's contribution to drama was immense.

体现出了人情化的居住空间。Shows the living space of the contribution.

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这些就是我研究的本质。Since that's the nature of my contribution.

敌人向该镇人民强行派款。The enemy laid the town under contribution.

在你的生活中你应该奉献什么?What will be the contribution of your life?

这笔钱是世界各地捐赠的。The money came from world-wide contribution.

根据他的倡议而发起了募捐。By his suggestion the contribution was raised.

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敌人向这个村的人强行派款。The enemy laid the village under contribution.

贡献是不可抹煞的!Her contribution to art can not be obliterated.

我的意见没有对决策有帮助。My advise was no contribution to decision-making.

王克庆关键性的贡献,自在其中。Wang Keqing has made critical contribution to it.

很好啊,我也参加了捐款了。That is good. I also took part in the contribution.

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要求来稿必须是未发表过的原创作品。The contribution must be the works never published.

多年来为国民经济的发展作出了较大贡献。CFF has make great contribution to national economy.

我们应为建设祖国做出贡献。We must make a contribution to building our country.