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当然,我们在这一地区所面临的最紧迫的挑战是调解冲突与维持和平。It is, of course, most immediately a challenge of peacemaking and peacekeeping.

令人们相信环保合作缔造和平有益无害将促使人们更自觉自愿对这些项目进行投资。Identifying credible peacemaking spin-offs may make people more willing to invest in these projects.

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最近南非外交官也谴责法国组织非盟落实其在利比亚的和平进程。More recently South Africa's foreign minister has accused France of scuppering the AU's Libyan peacemaking efforts.

书中探讨了南亚地区已准备就续以谈话与调解存在已久的冲突。The book explores the South Asian region's readiness for dialogue and peacemaking to address longstanding conflict.

评委会很可能认为和平奖的颁发将帮助奥巴马在调停争端、处理外交事务的能力上达到一个新的高度。The Nobel committee probably imagined that the prize would propel Obama to new heights of diplomacy and peacemaking.

“那么,四点钟的时候,这位相安无事的先生就要来啦,”班纳特先生一边把信折好,一边说。"At four o'clock, therefore, we may expect this peacemaking gentleman, " said Mr. Bennet, as he folded up the letter.

奥巴马政府星期一表示,反对将巴以和平谈判的平台转到联合国。The Obama administration Monday said it opposes shifting the venue of Israel-Palestinian peacemaking to the United Nations.

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以上论证的唯一的纰漏就在于在巴以和平进程的历史上从未有足够证据能够为这种观点提供支持。The only problem with this argument is that there is scant evidence to support it in the history of Arab-Israeli peacemaking.

宽,或缔造和平的梦想,通常表明你希望你周围的人要冷静对待别人尊重。Pacifying , or peacemaking dreams usually show that you want the people around you to be calmer and treat others with respect.

此处则是两人,在同一间屋里彼此和好,因此似乎是这种和谐带来的力量。It's--in this thing about two making peace, again with one another within a house, so it's the peacemaking that seems to give the power.

六月四日,布什在约旦会见两国领导人,表明他决定采取更实际行动来推进中东和平进程。Bush met the two leaders in a June 4 summit in Jordan showcasing his decision to take a more hands-on approach to Middle East peacemaking r.

在苏格兰爱丁堡1921年国际年会中扶轮社员全体一致决议将调解并入扶轮的章程与细则中。At the 1921 convention in Edinburgh, Scotland, Rotarians unanimously agreed to incorporate peacemaking into Rotary's constitution and bylaws.

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与此相联系的就是美国和平行动上的一个趋向,即遵从以色列的想法“因为它的盟友必须是切实地做出领土上的让步的那个才是”。Allied to this is a tendency in peacemaking for America to defer to Israel's ideas “because its ally is the one that has to make the tangible concessions of territory”.

尽管环境合作可有力地促进和平,但是,当这些行为仅有政府和政治—经济精英分子参与时,人们对其真正的效力便产生了怀疑。Despite environmental peacemaking 's potential, a skeptical eye is warranted when such initiatives remain the narrow purview of governments and political-economic elites.

但是,每一次阿拉伯和以色列的和平尝试失败,就像奥巴马的圣诞节前不久所做的,让和平变得越来越不现实,战争的危险日益增加一样。But every time an attempt at Arab-Israeli peacemaking fails, as Barack Obama’s did shortly before Christmas, the peace becomes a little more fragile and the danger of war increases.

如果内塔尼亚胡接受提议停止居住点建设导致了他的党派分裂,也许会有对和平谈判态度更加温和的党派取而代之。If Mr Netanyahu's acceptance of a full settlement-building freeze had led to the break-up of his coalition, it might have been replaced by one more amenable to peacemaking compromises.

公平地说,尽管各方的态度几乎都在倒退,但没有撕破脸皮而大打出手与埃及对地区和平的不懈努力是分不开的。It is fair to say that Egypt's dogged support for regional peacemaking has been crucial to sustaining a modicum of civility in the Middle East, despite backsliding by nearly everyone else.

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我真诚的希望联合国能派出维护和平的部队,制止那里的战争,希望美国和中国的企业家到那里开工厂办学校。I sincerely wish that the United Nations could dispatch peacemaking troops to stop the wars there and that the entrepreneurs of the USA and China would go and run factories and schools there.

这位亚利桑那州联邦参议员表示,多年的外交政策经验赋予他必要的判断力,使他能够就美国能否发挥有影响力的调解或维和作用作出判断。The Arizona senator said his years of foreign policy experience have given him the judgment needed to determine whether the United States can play an influential peacemaking or peacekeeping role.

两位候选人在什么时候美国有必要参加海外维和与调解行动的问题上持相似看法,但在涉及其他外交政策目标时意见不一。The candidates shared similar views on when it is necessary for the United States to participate in peacekeeping or peacemaking missions overseas, but they disagreed on other foreign policy goals.