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洞穴不为人居住而存在。A cave is not FOR dwelling.

仍然居住在高原的洞穴Still dwelling in my Highland cave

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我们的马厩和他的住所毗连。Our stable abuts against his dwelling.

是新耶路撒冷,神人的居所。N is for New Jerusalem, God-man dwelling.

原产亚洲的树居型有袋动物…A tree dwelling marsupial of Asian origin.

安住一切功德法中。Dwelling in all kinds of virtuous Dharmas.

炊烟起处有人家。The smoke betrays where the dwelling lies.

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你为什么一直在喋喋不休地讲那个问题?Why do you keep dwelling upon that matter?

民居相当好,充满现代化气息。Dwelling houses look quite good and modern.

世界上她心爱的惟—住处。The one only dwelling on earth that she loves.

你在心理上落户于你内心的错误想法上。You are mentally dwelling with error in your mind.

在我疲倦的时候可以停下来诗意地栖居。At a time when I tired to stop dwelling poetically.

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还记得我们一起抗敌?还记得我们玩个不停吗?Remember the time when laughter dwelling around us?

当局指出,涉及违规建筑,疑是电线短路肇祸。The building is described as an "illegal dwelling".

我们只阐述一些极为简单的例子。It looks like we're dwelling on only the most simple.

房子还有一个极具特色的半室内外的浴室。The dwelling also features an indoor-outdoor bathroom.

那麽对于居住的地方,远在地壳之下。Then for a dwelling place, far ' neath the earth crust.

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她在里约居住了10年之后迁居到里斯本去了。After dwelling in Rio for ten years, she moved to Lisbon.

云杉树屋是最早的有人游览的悬崖窑洞。Spruce Tree House is the easiest cliff dwelling to visit.

我必居住在主殿中,直到永永远远。And in God's house forevermore, my dwelling place shall be.