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鹿皮是十分优良的皮革。Deerskin is very good leather.

鹿皮夹克衫相当昂贵。A deerskin jacket is quite expensive.

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鹿皮革给人柔软而密实感。Deerskin leather is characterized by its soft, rich feel.

采用顶级鹿皮及洗水麖皮打造而成!!!Made from the top-level deerskin and washed buckskin! ! !

磨好之后,他就跑回后花园取鹿皮。After you sand, he ran back to the garden to take deerskin.

鹿皮衬里创建一个毛绒,超你的脚的软环境。Deerskin lining creates a plush, ultra soft environment for your feet.

全衬里真正的鹿皮毛绒,左右脚超柔软舒适。Fully lined with genuine deerskin for plush, ultra soft comfort around the foot.

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起“床”,在井边洗澡,然后坐在一张鹿皮上开始冥想。Street corner, bathed at the well, and sat down on a piece of deerskin to meditate.

与其它皮革相比,鹿革有更高的拉伸强度。In comparison to other leathers, deerskin offers comparatively high tensile strength.

河岸上站着一个束鹿皮坎肩的、红头巾的小女孩。On the banks stood a girl wearing a sleeveless deerskin jacket, a red scarf tied round her head.

她让我交给谁清除的祖父和鹿皮袍洒他的圣水超过我。She gives me over to Grandfather who removes the deerskin robe and sprinkles His "holy water" over me.

奇诺飞快地伸出手去,从他手里把珍珠抢走。他把它包在鹿皮里,又塞进了他的衬衣。Kino reached quickly and snatched the pearl from his hand. He wrapped it in the deerskin and thrust it inside his shirt.

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巴伐利亚传统规定,鹿皮吊带花饰皮裤是最好的,因为它们能够拉宽拉长,容纳下不断发福的啤酒肚。Bavarian tradition dictates that deerskin lederhosen are the best, because they stretch to accommodate an expanding beer belly.

他穿着的鞋比刚发掘的这只鞋大约晚300年,鞋底是熊皮做的,鞋面则是鹿皮做的,此外还有树皮制成的网衣和草编织的袜子。His shoes, about 300 years younger than the Armenian shoe, had bearskin soles, deerskin panels, tree-bark netting and grass socks.

凌晨四点,街角的公鸡尚未打鸣,他就已经醒来,在井边沐浴,在一块鹿皮垫上打坐冥思。He woke up at four, ahead of the rooster at the street corner, bathed at the well, and sat down on a piece of deerskin to meditate.

白皮黑皮枣红皮或烟袋油皮秋梨皮鹿皮等子玉料,皮不侵入内部,内部仍是白色,只要润都是上等好料。Such sub jade material as the white cover , black cover , purplish red cover or pipe oil cover , autumn pear peel , deerskin , etc.

他拉过我的鹿皮袍,洒在我的额头玉米面和洒他所谓的“圣水了我的头和身体”。He pulls the deerskin robe over me, sprinkles cornmeal on my forehead and sprinkles what he calls "holy water" over my head and body.

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他说,长毛外套、袖口的皮毛设计、鹿皮外套以及袖子和风帽上的仿狼毛装饰都将成为热门单品。Long-haired coats and cuffs, deerskin outerwear, and long wolf-like hair for sleeves and hoods are going to be the hot items, he said.

介绍了耐水洗鹿皮绒面服装革的特点和制做过程中的技术关键和操作要点。In this paper, the author introduced the feature of deer skin and the key points in the operation of washable deerskin suede garment leather.

我对瑜伽的印象就是一个人在深林里,坐在一块树皮上,或者豪华点的,就是坐在鹿皮上,但是,他连一块垫子都没有!My vision of a yogi was a guy in the forest, sitting on a piece of tree bark — or in the deluxe version, a deerskin. He didn't have a yoga mat carrier!