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但是,没有一张有如这一张这么暴露。But none has been so revealing as this.

再唱一遍,以你美妙的嗓音Sing again, with your dear voice revealing

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联系旧知,揭示新课。Contact the old knowledge, revealing new lesson.

他的假发掉了,露出了光头。His toupee dropped off, revealing his bald head.

他不乐意透露消息的来源。He was averse to revealing the sources of his information.

为显示妇女解剖结构的牛仔裤拍一个商业广告?A commercial for a line of anatomically revealing women's jeans?

可通过坦露缺点来建立协作与凝聚人心。Build collaboration and solidarity by revealing your weaknesses.

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我还是觉得有点不自在。这件泳衣太暴露了。I still feel a little self-conscious. This suit is so revealing.

同时ECoG也显示了大脑是如何创造话语的。ECoG is also revealing things about how the brain creates speech.

她微微一笑,脸上露出两个美丽的笑靥。She smiled slightly, revealing two beautiful dimples on her cheeks.

君子兰你终于不失往日之情,透出君子之风范。Clivia you finally lose past love, revealing a gentleman's demeanor.

在这种病例中,医生就需要注意检测病人是否有低血氧的症状。In these cases, a test revealing low blood oxygen may alert doctors.

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其实,一个国家的财政史是惊心动魄的。The history of a country's public finance is quite a revealing one.

他可以谴责康斯坦娅把他的男子汉观点揭露得太过分了。Constantia he could condemn for revealing to much to his manly sight.

这十年中每一次爆发所增长的资料统计,告诉了人们真实的情况。The growth statistics for the pre-crash decade tell a revealing story.

这种有深度、有力度的揭示也得益于鬼子高超的写作技巧。This powerful revealing is also due to advanced writing skills of Guizi.

并且在阐述顾树森及其教育思想的基础上,揭示研究顾树森教育思想的价值。Also, it aims at revealing the value of study of Gu's educational theory.

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这款新式手表用一个滑动的封壳来查看玻璃质的液晶显示屏。This new design comes with a sliding cover revealing a glass LED display.

他往油里跳时,黑色假发脱落下来,露出了光秃秃的脑袋瓜儿。Also his black wig had flown off when he leaped, revealing his mangy head.

她的小说,尤是其长篇小说系列,就是典型的女权主义文本。Her works, especially river novels, are typically ones revealing feminism.