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我们是在最好的沙盒里玩。We play in the best sandbox.

这个试用品提供了产品的试用版。The Sandbox offers product trials.

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现在,滚回去玩沙箱游戏吧。Now go along and play in the sandbox.

机舱外的利比亚就像一个巨大的沙坑。Out my left window, Libya looks like one huge sandbox.

分区很方便因为它起到了一种“沙盘式”的作用。Partitions are really handy because they act as a sandbox.

沙箱是独一无二的,因为它在32位和64位平台上运行。Sandbox is unique as it runs on both 32 and 64bit platforms.

这个木马和其他应用程序一样运行于沙盒中。This Trojan operates in the same sandbox that other apps do.

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Sandbox编辑器中的控制台是用来输入变量值的。The Console in the Sandbox Editor is used to input variables.

在这种协作性方法中,每一个开发员都得到一个沙箱。In this collaborative approach, each developer gets a sandbox.

在海滨公园有一个操场,非常漂亮的一个沙箱。In Haibin park there is a playground, very nice, with a sandbox.

多任务操作系统中,每一个进程都有它自己的内存“沙盒”。Each process in a multi-tasking OS runs in its own memory sandbox.

我在屋子后面把他们排列在沙盒里,然后杀死他们。I arranged them in the sandbox behind our house, and I killed them.

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但现在你身处沙盒之中,没有权限执行任何东西。But now you’r ein a sandbox and you have no permissions to do anything.

孩子玩沙子以后,这可以让他们很方便的洗手。It's great for a quick wash-up if the kids have been playing in the sandbox.

沙箱是有时间限制的,但是对于您使用它的程度却没有限制。The Sandbox is time-boxed, but there is no limit to how much you can use it.

他们也喜欢在沙坑里玩卡车,铲子,和水桶。They also love playing with their trucks, shovels and buckets in the sandbox.

他们实现了一个沙箱来防止这种数据外泄的发生。They implemented a sandbox to prevent that exfiltration of data from happening.

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让签名的Flex应用摆脱Flash沙箱的束缚。Signed Flex applications would be interesting to break out of the Flash sandbox.

当小男孩开始掉眼泪的时候,一个大大的身影落在小男孩和他的沙箱上。At the moment the tears fell, a large shadow fell across the boy and the sandbox.

一起在沙堆、沙滩、公园或孩子自己的沙盒玩。Play in the sand together, at the beach, a local park, or your child's own sandbox.