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你的分支策略是什么?What is your branching strategy?

讲过了简单的分支程序。I have simple branching programs.

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大型分叉的珊瑚,形似鹿角。Large branching coral resembling antlers.

而如今,海盗正在将势力范围延伸到陆地。And now pirates are branching out onto land.

我们可能接受无分支规则吗?Can we possibly accept the no branching rule?

这家商店在开拓出售电脑的新业务。The business is branching out into computers.

这样允许实现复杂的分支逻辑。This allows the implementation of complex branching logic.

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无分支规则似乎本身就很怪诞。The no branching rule seems rather bizarre in its own right.

在其分支的茎杆上,挂满了非常显眼的锯齿状树叶。Its distinctly toothed leaves are carried on branching stems.

好,现在我们已经讲了这些内容,讲过了分支指令。OK. Now. Having added this in, I have branching instructions.

因此为了实现这个功能,我们需要分支式程序。So to really add to this, we need to have branching programs.

但当然,无分支规则显得并不合理。But of course,the no branching rule didn't seem very intuitive.

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记住故事板没有分支或者循环逻辑。Remember that storyboards do not have branching or looping logic.

叶肉中分布有少分枝或不分枝的石细胞,其细胞长轴与表皮垂直。And there are some unbranched or less branching stone cells in it.

'垂'。''体后叶小细胞位于脑''。'垂'。''体腺的后裂''。'片'。''上的小型分枝细胞。A small branching cell of the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland.

这样我们也就不用加入无分支规则了。So we don't need to add,in this ad hoc fashion,the no branching rule.

有可能,你的分支模型将会彻底被抛弃。Chances are your branching model will have to be completely abandoned.

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每个肾小球由复杂的毛细血管分支系统所组成。Each glomerulus consists of a complex branching system of capillaries.

它说有相同的人格就足够了,只要不存在分支。It says,same personality's good enough,as long as there's no branching.

这种算法通过构造树的方法产生不交和。The method can generate disjoint sums by constructing a branching tree.