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的边界包含一个非空开集。The boundary of A contains a nonempty open set.

在经典数学中,每个非空的仿射空间都平行于惟一的向量子空间。Each nonempty affine set is parallel to a unique vector subspace.

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非空最高优先级的池中的线程将获得cpu时间。Threads from the highest priority nonempty pool are given CPU time.

如果它是有限和非空的,则它必须包含至少一个幂等元。If it is finite and nonempty , then it must contain at least one idempotent.

得出了所有非空周期半群都有至少一个幂等元。It follows that every nonempty periodic semigroup has at least one idempotent.

空集合为线性独立,线性相依集合必为非空集合。The empty set is linearly independent, for linearly dependent sets must be nonempty.

如果可行集合非空且没有最佳匹配,则调用有二义性。If the viable set is nonempty and there is no best match, then the call is ambiguous.

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一个类是固定的,如果它与所有闭合无界类有非空交集。A class is stationary if it has a nonempty intersection with every closed unbounded class.

一个从非空运行队列的前端分派的线程具有最高的优先级。A thread is dispatched from the front of the nonempty run-queue with the highest priority.

作为广义L-KKM型定理应用,证明了非空交定理。As application of generalized L-KKM type theorems, a nonempty intersection theorem is proved.

每个标识符都是字母、数字和下划线的非空序列,且序列不能以数字开头。Each identifier is a nonempty sequence of letters, digits, and underscores that must not begin with a digit.

例如,所有非空有限半群是周期性的,并有一个极小理想和至少一个幂等元。For example, every nonempty finite semigroup is periodic, and has a minimal ideal and at least one idempotent.

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因此,除了非零或非空的值之外,没有必要在构造器的实现中对域进行初始化。Hence there is no need to initialize fields in a constructor's implementation except to nonzero or nonempty values.

本文讨论了赋予局部有限拓扑的非空闲子集超空间的局部紧性。In this paper the local compactness of the nonempty closed subsets hyperspaces with locally finite topology is discussed.

在二值谓词逻辑中引入了一阶语言的一类特殊解释,该类解释中的解释域取为非空有限集。In two-valued predicate logic a class of special interpretations of first language with nonempty finite domains is introduced.

在线性不等式组的解集非空有界条件下,证明了算法的全局收敛性。Global convergence of the algorithm was shown when the solution set of the linear inequalities problem is nonempty and bounded.

当收到GO命令,机器人将走向它的方向1个单位,除非有在它前面空细胞。When receive the GO command, the robot will move 1 unit towards its orientation, unless there is a nonempty cell in front of it.

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数组类型同样是派生类型,它描述了某种对象的连续的非空集合,由其中元素类型和元素个数来刻画。An array type describes a contiguously allocated nonempty set of objects with a particular member object type, called the element type.

文章定义了一个新的空间——FC-度量空间,并在FC-度量空间中,得到一些非空交定理。这些结果统一和推广了近期的许多结果。In this paper, a FC-metric-space is introduced. Some nonempty intersection theorems are proved, which unify and improve some known results.

本文不仅引入了非空集的有效下界的概念,而且引入了新的严格C-伪单调映射。In this paper, the concept of efficient lower bounds of a nonempty set is introduced. A new strictly C pseudomonotone mapping is introduced.