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我向上帝发誓。I swear to God.

想骂谁就骂谁。Swear if I want.

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喝酒,性行为,骂街。Drink, have sex, swear.

这誓言星空可鉴!This I swear by the stars!

我以我的眉梳发誓。I swear by my brow groomer.

我向上帝发誓我那是在开玩笑!I swear to God I was joking!

今生今世我永远爱你!I swear to love you forever!

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我敢以我的名誉起誓。I can swear by my reputation.

我对天发誓,我根本没干那件事。I swear by God I didn't do it!

我保证不再撕书啦。I swear off tearing the books.

我敢担保他的为人。I will swear for his integrity.

印度女人们打赌用姜黄就能解决。Indian women swear by turmeric.

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我想我听到了丹妮莉丝的名字。I swear I heard the name Daenerys.

我立誓要好好利用这一点!I swear I'll make good use of it!'

我赌咒我绝不会再让你绝望。I swear I'll never fail you again.

那就让贵族议事会公开宣誓。So let the council swear publicly.

他又不高兴了,开始咒骂起来。He grew sullen, and began to swear.

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他开始叫喊起来,呆头呆脑地咒骂着。He began to cry and swear foolishly.

不!绝不行!不过,我向我主发誓。No! Never! But l swear to the singe.

我们誓死要报这血海深仇!We swear to collect this blood debt.