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你要卫生棉条吗?Do you need a tampon?

那是我最后一个卫生棉条你有带吗?That was my last tampon . Are you packing?

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理想情况下,你应该多长时间留在一个卫生棉条?Ideally, how long should you leave in a tampon?

你可以使用著卫生绵条8个小时过夜。You can wear a tampon overnight for up to 8 hours.

像大多数10岁的小孩子一样,我压根不知道啥是卫生棉。Like most 10-year-olds, I'd never heard of a tampon.

让她选择,看她是喜欢使用护垫还是棉条。Let her choose whether she prefers a pad or a tampon.

冷静!你怎么了?经期?还是怎么了?Calm down, girl! What's the matter with you? Tampon time or what?

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除了卫生棉条上次你下面有塞东西是何时?。When was the last time you had anything in your twat besides a tampon?

如果它4小时不到就饱和,尝试大一号的吸水性的棉条。If it gets saturated in less than 4 hours, try a heavier absorbency tampon.

请深呼吸和放轻松,当你是放轻松这麽会更容易导入卫生绵条。Take a deep breath and relax It's much easier to insert a tampon when you're relaxed.

我只好在一帮幸灾乐祸的同学面前用卫生巾堵着鼻孔整整20分钟…I spent 20 minutes with a tampon shoved up my nostril in front of my laughing teammates.

您将掌握如何改变你的卫生棉条在经过使用一个或两个经期的学习使用之后。You will learn after tampon use for one or two periods how often you need to change your tampon.

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掌握对移印机的调整,比如如何调墨、移印胶头的选择。Mastery Tamponprint machine 's adjustment, e. g how to mix the color and choose the right tampon.

我百思不得其解,等下了楼发现我的狗正在咬我的棉条安装器。I didn't think anything of it until I went downstairs and found my dog chewing on my used tampon applicators.

如果你的卫生棉条8小时后仍是不饱和以及难以拽出,尽量更换能满足需要的吸水性最轻的尺码。If after 8 hours your tampon still isn't saturated and isn't easy to remove, try a lighter absorbency next time.

如果你有洁癖但你又有渴望,你只需要移走你的卫生棉,让他用手指灵活的触摸着你的阴蒂使你享受着兴奋的高潮。If you're squeamish but homy, leave the tampon in and let him give you an orgasm using his fingers on your clitoris.

哦,我的卫生棉条从短裤里掉了出来被跑步机甩出了好远。Of course of this was all before my tampon dropped out of my gym shorts and was projected half way across the gym by the treadmill.

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月经来了?如果你有洁癖但你又有渴望,你只需要移走你的卫生棉,让他用手指灵活的触摸着你的阴蒂使你享受着兴奋的高潮。Got your period?If you're squeamish but homy, leave the tampon in and let him give you an orgasm using his fingers on your clitoris.

如果你使用大小合适的卫生棉条,您的流量,并要注意自己的身体和其需要,你可以有很大的保护,每次。If you're wearing the right size tampon for your flow, and pay attention to your body and its needs, you can have great protection every time.

月经杯是一个多卫生巾谨慎地做到不改变或泄漏的风险比一般的两倍多流体卫生棉条。A menstrual cup is more discreet than a sanitary napkin and can take up to twice as much fluid than an ordinary tampon without changing or risk of leakage.