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我需要让一些球员休息,或者马丁.约尔也一样需要吧。I need to rest some players, and maybe Martin Jol needs to as well.

准确性是学习判断研究的重要问题。Accuracy is an important problem in the study of JOL and metacognition monitoring.

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愤怒的马丁。约尔没有批评球迷们队球员喝倒彩的行为。An angry Martin Jol did not blame supporters for booing his players after this defeat.

约尔不希望失去维尔马伦,特别是维尔马伦要去的俱乐部还是他担任热刺主帅时的死对头。Jol did not want to lose Vermaelen especially to the club who were his main rivals at Spurs.

本研究探讨学习判断孤立效应产生机制及其作用方式。This paper discusses the mechanism and the functioning manners in the isolation effect of JOL.

上周末他们因为攻击乏力被桑德兰干掉,这让约尔对他的攻击手们大为光火。A toothless performance in the defeat away to Sunderland on Saturday prompted Jol to shake up his attack.

约尔表示他希望在下赛季的德国北方银行球场中为大家展现一种更具进攻意识的足球。Jol added that he hoped to promote a more attacking style of football at the HSH Nordbank Arena next season.

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当问及这位切尔西球员加盟的可能性时,祖马丁并没有否认他们对布里奇有兴趣。When quizzed about the possibility of a move for the Chelsea defender, Jol refused to deny their interest in him.

向竞争对手转让列农对热刺球迷是一个巨大的打击。但是,热刺主教练约尔可能持一个更实际的观点。Losing Lennon to their bitter rivals would be a huge blow to Tottenham fans, but Martin Jol may take a more pragmatic view.

新任汉堡主帅马丁-约尔相信范德法特不想离开球队,但是并不排除最终转会西甲的可能。New Hamburg coach Martin Jol believes Rafael van der Vaart wants to stay at the club, but could not rule out a move to Spain.

比赛明显的转折点是热刺前锋米多被罚出场,他对裁判不明不白的判罚感到失望。The obvious turning point was the dismissal of Spurs forward Mido. Martin Jol was disappointed but understanding of the referee's decision.

马丁.约尔将会焦急地避免在周日出现相似的报复。就和蓝军一样,他的球队仍然分别在本土及国外争逐锦标中。Martin Jol wil be anxious to avoid similar retribution on Sunday. Just like the Blues, his team are still chasing trophies at home and abroad.

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约儿曾经想签下库意特,并告诫他的防守球员看守库意特时要小心,因为他像鹰一样锐利。Jol admitted he tried to sign his fellow Dutchman Kuyt before the striker moved to Anfield and has told his defenders to watch him like a hawk.

约尔也知道有可能俱乐部会被迫将这位25岁的球员卖给西甲的顶级俱乐部。Jol did, however, leave the possibility open that the club might be forced to sell the playmaker if a top Spanish club comes in for the 25-year-old.

“科莫里对此有责任,他对关于足球的大部分事务都有责任,”约尔在上任富勒姆主教练后如是说。"Comolli was responsible, he was responsible for most of the football things, " Jol told a news conference after his recent appointment as Fulham coach.

十年过去了,他在利物浦的历史上写下了极为绚烂的篇章,现在,他又回到英格兰,加盟了富勒姆,与马丁乔共事。Ten years on from all this, having written his own little chapter in Liverpool history, Riise is back in English football having signed for Fulham, where he'll work under Martin Jol.

科莫里支持签约卡波尔、达伦。本特、博阿腾和塔拉波特,而约尔非常喜欢艾拉诺和马丁。佩特洛夫。Comolli sanctioned the signings of Kaboul, Darren Bent, Kevin-Prince Boateng and Adel Taarabt, while Jol was eager to bring in Elano and Martin Petrov, who signed for Manchester City.

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实验二中无意义词对先呈现组的JOL大于有意义词对先呈现组的JOL,这说明JOL可能存在“锚定效应”。JOL magnitude was higher when unrelated items were presented first than when related items were presented first in Experiment 2. This suggests that anchoring effects may influence JOL.

热刺老板马丁·约尔昨晚为他的工作辩护,托特纳姆被死敌阿森纳击败,他们也随之排名英超倒数第四。DEAD MAN WALKING SPURS boss Martin Jol last night pleaded for his job after Tottenham crashed to defeat against bitter rivals Arsenal – and slipped into the bottom four of the Premier League.

效力白鹿巷之前他还在苏黎世草蜢队踢过球,在热刺时,他在雅克·桑蒂尼和马丁·乔尔的手下,第一个赛季就给人留下了深刻印象,离队时带着年度最佳青年球员的荣誉。Ziegler arrived at White Hart Lane from Grasshoppers Zurich and initially impressed under Jacques Santini and Martin Jol in his first season, walking away with a young player of the year award.