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了解你的目标。Know your target.

定义和目标。Define and Target.

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这个目标是一种假目标。The target is a fake.

这次,靶是对的。The target was right.

我们的目标是2.5万球迷。Our target is 25k fans.

目标群体是哪些?What's the target group?

他是嘲笑的目标。He is a target for scorn.

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后处理目标数据。Post-process target data.

侵蚀目标的蒸汽。Vapor that corrodes target.

星诺奇的目标是开拓全球市场。Our target is global market.

箭未能射中靶子。The arrow missed the target.

飞箭击中了目标。The arrow struck its target.

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米兰,费拉里是新目标?AC MILAN, Ferrari new target?

他们瞄准了错误的目标。They aim at the wrong target.

我对准目标射出一箭。I shot an arrow at the target.

她已经确定了一个减到80公斤的减肥计划。She has set a target of 80 kg.

沉默8秒…暗牧可以去睡觉了…Silences the target for 8 sec.

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第一只鞋打到了方滨兴。The first shoe hit the target.

这个指标偏低。The target is on the low side.

你知道你的目标市场吗?Do you know your target market?