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旭日初升。The sun is just rising.

上行,不断地上行Up. It keeps rising up.

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气压表的水银柱在上升。The barometer is rising.

明日之星HTML5的崛起。The rising star of HTML5.

他看着那正在升起的太阳。He watched the rising sun.

我们可以看到东升的太阳。We can see the rising sun.

但我认为中国在不断前进。I do think China is rising.

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赤字还在一个劲地涨。Oh, the deficit's a rising.

升起的朝阳为之惊吓。Does the Rising Sun affright.

母亲经常早起。Mother practises early rising.

这样的指望已渐有眉目。That prospect has been rising.

你能看见那平地而起的风暴吗?Could you see the storm rising?

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后来,我便经常回到那里观赏月出。I return often to the rising moon.

云蒸霞蔚。The rosy clouds are slowly rising.

太阳正从山冈上升起。The sun was rising over the hills.

他不惯于早起。He is unaccustomed to early rising.

雨后河水正在上涨。The river is rising after the rain.

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河水在雨后涨了起来。The river is rising after the rain.

士兵们在台下鼓噪。The soldiers are rising in a hubub.

我得进屋子里去了,起雾啦。I must go in, for the fog is rising.