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美国化的过程。The process of Americanization.

移民的美国化,关键在于职业变迁。Second, the occupation mobility is the critical element of the Americanization.

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不论对错与否,在世界的许多地方,它等同于美国化。And rightly or wrongly, it is equated with Americanization in much of the world.

甚至有人认为全球化和美国化同义。Some even thought that globalization and Americanization were virtually synonymous.

本文主要论述了“拉美化”的成因以及我们可以吸取的经验教训。The cause and lesson of "Latin Americanization" will be further discussed in the text.

但是我们仍然不知道如何使美国化的过程适合所有的人。But what we have not yet learned is how to make the process of Americanization work for all.

因此,本文特对“拉美化”的成因和教训进行分析。This article discusses the causes of Latin Americanization and the lessons that can be learnt.

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在外交领域,和美国交往的过程也是思维美国化的过程。In the diplomatic field, the process of contacting with the United States is also one of Americanization.

但是我想我只是害怕——新闻里把全球化成为美国化。But I think it was just a fear, I think, that we've see in the news that globalization means Americanization.

本文以1914年为时间分界点,1914年以前的美国化运动,是一场社会性同化运动。Taking 1914 as time dividing point, the Americanization movement was a social assimilation movement before 1914.

在当今国内外学术界,“全球化”和“美国化”是频繁出现的两个词汇。In the present academic circles at home and abroad, globalization and Americanization are both very popular terms.

因此,一些人会不啻于全球化,担心其相当于美国化。Therefore some people turn their noses up at globalization fearing that it is in fact equivalent to Americanization.

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这一集团参与并领导独立运动的动机是对抗波旁王朝的“非美洲化”改革。The target of this class to participate in and lead this movement is to oppose the "Anti- Americanization reform" of Bourbon Spain.

而相比之下,史迪威和魏德迈的计划是实施“美国式”的作战行动,并对中国军队进行彻底的改造。In contrast, the plans of Stilwell and Wedemeyer demanded the Americanization of theater operations and a major overhaul of the Chinese Army.

两次世界大战之间在欧洲被炒得沸沸扬扬的“美国化”主要是指好莱坞对欧洲社会产生的强大冲击力。The Americanization in Europe which occurred in between the two world wars mainly means the strong impact of Hollywood on European societies.

不拘礼节、打扮轻便转化为比较世俗的领导,那也是这里不欣赏他的人会批说法国已经美国化。Casualness translates into a more secular sort of leadership, which is why people who don't like him here talk about the Americanization of France.

这部电影在全球范围内获得成功,但在中国上映时,褒贬不一,原因在于影片中美国化的因素。The film achieved global success, but when it was released in China, it aroused controversy although welcomed by the audience because of Americanization in the film.

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随着美国地位下降和新兴经济体地位上升,国际社会开始出现“去美国化”苗头。With the decline in the status of USA and the rise in the status of emerging economies, the international community begins to think of the removal of Americanization.

但一些密切关注中国经济和社会未来走向的中外有识之士提醒中国决策阶层,当前要特别警惕出现经济和社会发展的“拉美化,’倾向。Still, scholars of China's economy and social development warn that the policy-making circle must be alert on the "Latin Americanization" in economic and social development.

但是一些密切关注中国经济和社会未来走向的中外有识之士提醒中国决策阶层,当前要特别警惕出现经济和社会发展的“拉美化”倾向。Yet, those of wisdom who are concerned with the future of China's economy and society are calling attention to the Latin Americanization tendency in today's development in China.