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脱掉你的内衣。Take off your underclothes.

女人的内衣裤是常见的能引起性快感的恋物。Women's underclothes are a common fetish.

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棉质内衣对皮肤有益。Cotton underclothes are good for the skin.

内衣上的花边松了。The lace on the underclothes had got loose.

我应该自己洗衣服和洗内衣吗?Should I wash my own clothes and underclothes ?

我把衬衫和内衣塞进两个抽屉。I had stacked my shirts and underclothes in two empty drawers.

我把衬衫和内衣塞进了两个抽屉。I had stacked my shirts and underclothes in two empty drawers.

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我把衬衣、内衣放进了两个空抽屉After I had stacked my shirts and underclothes in two empty drawers

和子的父亲穿着内衣裤在屋外后院的菜地里除草。Kaz's father had been out back weeding the vegetables in his underclothes.

亵服一旦呈现破损,决不再穿,即时抛掉。Underclothes appears the breakage , never putting , thow it away right now.

也有人认为其当时作为内衣穿着,是一种性感内衣。There are also some people think she worn it as underclothes and it's a kind of sexy underclothes.

强盗头目当然不会在乎赤膊,于是就脱内衣。The bandit certainly felt no shame in being half-naked . Then they stripped off their underclothes.

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这种新型击剑防护内衣可能成为一种很有潜质的新型击剑防护内衣。The new fencing protecting underclothes may become kind of protecting clothes with great potential.

然后便是用熨斗烫内衣内裤,直干到六点。这时乔仍然然摇头。没把握能够干完。Then it was hot irons and underclothes till six o'clock, at which time Joe shook his head dubiously.

是时装、内衣裤、泳装、文胸、鞋类、装饰材料的首选面料。These are the first-chosen apparel sources for fashion, underclothes , bras, shoes and decorating materials.

“白玫瑰”内衣深受国内外消费者喜爱,产品市场广阔。"White Rose" brand of underclothes is welcomed by clients at home and abroad, and the product has wide markets.

其他两格衣柜抽屉则用来收纳贴身衣物及背心、围巾、皮带等配件。Other chest drawer uses two case to receive the underclothes content and vest, scarf, fittings such as leather belt.

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乔睁大了眼睛望着他取出几件衬衫和内衣内裤,然后便是书,再取出来还是书。Joe watched, with bulging eyes, a few shirts and several changes of underclothes come out of the box, followed by books, and more books.

我把衬衣、内衣放进了两个空抽屉,随后准备从随身带来的两套西服里拿一套挂到衣柜里。After I had stacked my shirts and underclothes in two empty drawers, I decided to hang one the two suits I had brought with me in the cupboard.

还有两件脏旧不堪的花洋布衣服,还有一顶太阳帽和几件女人的内衣,都挂在墙上。There was two old dirty calico dresses, and a sun-bonnet, and some women's underclothes hanging against the wall, and some men's clothing, too.