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这些喜好被适度地说了出来。These preferences are temperately stated.

实验证明纯正温和倍感柔软舒适。Tests the certificate purely to feel urgently soft temperately comfortable.

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相比而言,上海的救市动作还算温和。Compares says, Shanghai rescues the city movement also to calculate temperately.

当外界湿冷的时候,最好吃些如牛羊肉这类稍微滋补的食物。When it's cold and damp outside, it's good to eat some temperately tonifying foods such as beef and mutton.

此外,颈部更容易堆积死皮,每个星期都应该做一次温和去死皮的面膜。In addition, the pate is easier to pile up shameless, every week should do one time goes to the shameless facial mask temperately.

有限度地吃些水果,不必因此而替胃囊感到羞耻,决不会阻碍我们最有价值的事业。Yet perhaps this may be done. The fruits eaten temperately need not make us ashamed of our appetites, nor interrupt the worthiest pursuits.

军方承诺在两周内任命一公民为临时总理,并在明年的十月举行选举。The generals have promise to a point a civilian as temperately prime minister within two weeks and to hold elections in October of next year.

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在此背景下,美元对各主要货币温和走高,人民币对美元汇率出现一定幅度的回落。Under this background, US dollar rises temperately to each principal currency, the Renminbi presents certain scope to US dollar exchange rate receding.

但无本金交割远期价格本周早些时候出现回落并持稳,暗示汇率或将温和贬值。But finalized the forward price without the capital to appear earlier this week recedes and holds steadily, suggested that the exchange rate or will depreciate temperately.

哭得累了就想睡,不睡觉没事可以做,也没地方可以去,所以失恋的人都爱睡觉。睡着了,就可以暂时不想他。Cry to be tired , you will wanna sleep. there's nothing to do but sleeping. there's no place to go. all lovelorn people are fond of sleeping. you can forget him temperately if falling asleep.