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凯尔西好奇地看着她。Kelsey looked at her curiously.

贝索好奇地瞧着他的朋友。Besso eyes his friend curiously.

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西利亚纳闷地盯著安德鲁。Celia gazed at andrew curiously.

杰姆好奇地向房里四下张望。Jim looked about the room curiously.

我好奇地问,“田鸡是青蛙。”" I curiously ask, "chicken is the frog.

小鸭子们好奇地东张西望。The little ducklings look around curiously.

“那你现在就按一下看看,”记者有点好奇。Push it now, " said the reporter, curiously."

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一只鹿好奇而又欢快地出现在这里。A deer appeared curiously and cheerfully here.

萨莉没回从答,却好奇地看着她。Sally did not answer,but looked at her curiously.

他的儿子好奇地弯下身去看鹿的骸骨。His boy bent curiously to the skeleton of the buck.

秦岚也好奇的看着他,为什么不行?Qin Lan also curiously looking at him, why don't go?

科学家对平顶海山的奇怪平坦顶部感到迷惑。Scientists are puzzled by the guyots' curiously flat tops.

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科学家为平顶海山令人惊奇的顶部而困惑。Scientists are puzzled by the guyots ' curiously flat tops.

我好奇地走上前一看,不由得大吃了一惊。I went over curiously. I was very much shocked at the sight.

一天,我看到一个新生很困惑地看着照片。One day I spotted a freshman looking curiously at the photos.

在男孩说完最后一句话,这售书员好奇地看着他。At the boy's last remark, the bookseller looked at him curiously.

我自己也喷射着,流动者,像个幽灵古怪地飘着,此刻在这里。Myself effusing and fluid, a phantom curiously floating, now here.

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有趣的是,这次自动实施“休克疗法”的目的。The short-term aim of this self-induced shock treatment is curiously.

加斯帕带来了一个新奇的长颈瓶子,装有没药,一种贵重的。Gaspar brought a curiously chased flask of myrrh, a royal embalming oil.

把车开到路边,安德妮娅好奇地打开那重重的袋子。Pulling into the side of theroad, Andrea opened the heavy bag curiously.