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冷彻我的眉睫。Sunk chill on my brow.

往下沉的轮船沉没了。The sinking steamer sunk.

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探勘井已经打好。Test wells have been sunk.

房基塌陷。The foundations have sunk.

亦称藏绳锁线订。Also called Sunk cord sewing.

确认敌人舰船沉默。Nagase Enemy ship confirmed sunk !

三艘敌舰全部覆没。All three enemy warships were sunk.

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他们堕入了罪恶的深渊。They are sunk in the depth of vice.

整个岛都已坠入深渊。All my islands have sunk in the deep.

他们的时间成本是一种沉没的成本。The cost in their time is a sunk cost.

蓝鞋子深深地陷入了烂泥中。The Blue Shoe sunk deeper into the mud.

那条沉没的船不可能捞起来。It is impossible to raise the sunk ship.

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她一头栽进淡淡的蓝色水面。The little star sunk in the watery blue.

战胜者被征服,倒向她怀中。The vanquished victor sunk upon her breast.

看见白昼被黑夜吞没。And see the brave day sunk in hideous night.

这个岛建造后一直未凹陷。This island is being built never to be sunk.

她乘坐的船在快要到港口时被炸沉。Her ship was bombed and sunk near the Harbor.

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投入的资金数量惊人。The capital sunk in it is fabulous in amount.

暗井是地道内的下沉竖井。A shaft sunk inside a tunnel is called a winze.

自发现以来,许多测试井已沉降。More test wells have been sunk since the finding.