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我喜欢毕加索。I like the guy Picasso.

毕加索画了那张画。Picasso painted that picture.

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毕卡索是有名的画家。Picasso was a famous painter.

他引用了毕加索的例子。He quoted the example of Picasso.

这个年轻人就是帕布罗·毕加索。This young man was Pablo Picasso.

这幅图画是毕卡索所绘。The picture was painted by Picasso.

你可以区别毕加索和梵谷吗?。Do you know a Picasso from a Van Gogh?

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会让毕加索去玩画图猜词游戏吗?Would you ask Picasso to play Pictionary?

毕加索的画现挂在格洛里亚家的起居室里。The Picasso hangs in Gloria's living room.

但是玛丽泰雷兹从未停止过爱毕加索。But Marie Therese never stopped loving Picasso.

我筹算汇集一些涉及毕加索的质料。I'm going to gather some materials about Picasso.

“演员”是毕加索23岁时画的。“The Actor” was painted when Picasso was only 23.

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成功的例子有爱因斯坦,居里夫人,毕加索,还有……Think Einstein. Think Curie. Think Picasso. Think.

就像你手上带著毕卡索或是达文西一样。It's like you have a Picasso or a an other Da Vinci.

这位画家模仿毕加索的绘画风格。The painter modeled his style after that of Picasso.

如果有谁天生就是画家,毕加索就是一个。If ever anyone was born to be a painter, Picasso was.

这位姑娘声称自己是活着的头号毕加索迷。She claimed to be the greatest living fan of Picasso.

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你无论怎么样也不会得到一幅毕加索的真迹。You can't get an original Picasso for love nor money.

立体画派是由毕加索和布拉克共同创造的。Cubism was equally the creation of Picasso and Braque.

一副毕加索的画用图钉钉在墙上。Thumbtacks anchor a colorful Picasso print to the wall.