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参赛者追踪雀鸟踪迹。On the trail of a bird.

帝国尔布拉夫斯径。The Empire Bluffs Trail.

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你就走快道。you go on the fast trail.

心却是惶然的。Heart but is off the trail.

这条银白色的痕迹是黏液。The slivery trail is slime.

你走过印加古道了吗?Have you walked the Inca Trail?

那条欢乐的小尾巴需要剪除。That happy trail needs a prune.

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卢克从南凯巴布径。Overlook from South Kaibab Trail.

大路渐渐变窄,成了羊肠小道。The road pinched down to a trail.

这条羊肠小道突然下到一个狭窄的峡谷里。The trail ducks into a narrow gulch.

我们追随着那条开满勿忘我的小径。We followed the forget-me-not trail.

在穿越之外,我工作的非常、非常努力。I work VERY, very hard off the trail.

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找一个公园,或者树林中的一条小径。Find a park, or a trail in some woods.

在这里跑跑步。and it's a very popular running trail.

爱德华说那个女人已经跟上了艾思梅。Edward says the woman is on Esme's trail.

浏览路径记录将为您保持记录。The breadcrumb trail keeps track for you!

有两只在他的前面堵住去路。Two come out onto the trail ahead of him.

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有一条羊肠小道可以到达。There's a sheep trail that takes you there.

咱们可以看看他们能找到些什么蛛丝马迹。We could see if they can pick up the trail.

他们不喜欢缰绳和雪道。They did not take kindly to trace and trail.