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用杀虫剂时一定要小心。Be careful when you use the exterminator.

保存与灭虫专家帮助您在这个免费视频盆栽。Save your potted plants with help from an expert exterminator in this free video.

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击退侵略者,保持食物与灭虫帮助安全专家在此免费视频。Repel the invaders and keep food safe with help from an expert exterminator in this free video.

马里兰州灭虫人员在格拉迪斯女士的公寓里又找到六只蛇,然后把它们消灭了。A Maryland exterminator killed six snakes that were captured in Dressner's Middletown apartment.

灭虫队终于来了,杀死了所有的小强、蜘蛛和其他虫子。Finally, the exterminator showed up and got rid of all the cockroaches, spiders and other bug s.

摧毁任何从一本免费的视频灭虫专家帮助你的城堡蚂蚁入侵。Destroy any ant invasion in your castle with help from an expert exterminator in this free video.

从一深抽真空灭虫技巧在此免费视频减少虫害控制尘螨。Reduce dust mites with tips on deep vacuuming from an exterminator in this free video on pest control.

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一位灭虫专业人员说,他有一个灭蛇的办法,但是这一办法需使用氰化物,因而可能会使房子在两年内不能住人。An exterminator said he had a method that involved the use of cyanide and would render the house uninhabitable for two years.

本文第二章介绍声反馈信号的特征和自动声反馈抑制的原理等。Chapter 2 of this paper introduces the characteristic of acoustic feedback signal and the principle of automatic feedback exterminator.

保持站立的形成从认证咨询意见灭虫和树艺师在院子或花园在此免费视频在害虫防治水。Keep standing water from forming in a yard or garden with advice from a certified exterminator and arborist in this free video on pest control.

他先陪尤扎巡游了外环星域和“中央”星团,然后回到塔图因做起了小生意,专门为别人杀灭王鼠和其它害兽。After accompanying Yowza on a tour of the Outer Rim and the Centrality, Wam returned to Tatooine and began a small business as an exterminator of womp rats and other vermin.