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托斯卡纳山城镇招手。Tuscan hill towns beckon.

火车进入托斯卡尼平原时我们兴致很高。We enter the Tuscan plain in heightened spirits.

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庞帝庄康帝珍藏干红来自托斯卡纳知名的康帝产区。From the famous Tuscan area Chianti, comes the Chianti Riserva.

适合和各款餐前小吃、意大利面食、红肉、蔬菜等配搭。It goes well with tuscan Hors D'ovres, pasta, red meat and boiled vegetables.

在圣保罗大球场举行的这场比赛,对托斯卡纳的球队来说并不容易。The match at the San Paolo stadium will not be easy at all for the Tuscan side.

在将来,我们将推出与托斯卡纳阳光相关的护肤和彩妆计划。In the future we would have many cosmetic and make up project linked to Tuscan Soul.

官方人士期望于夏天之前为托斯卡纳花园项目开辟出一块土地。Officials expect to break ground before summer for the Tuscan Garden Vineyard Project.

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官方希望Tuscan葡萄果园项目在夏天来临前就能破土动工。Officials expect to break ground before summer for the Tuscan Garden Vineyard Project.

托斯卡纳人,费迪南德大公二世发明了第一一支精确的酒精温度计。The first accurate thermometer using alcohol was invented by Grand Duke Ferdinand II, a Tuscan.

了解如何在此免费意大利烹饪的视频与专家托斯卡纳烩饭食谱烹饪技巧。Learn how to make a Tuscan risotto recipe with expert cooking tips in this free Italian cooking video.

在他温和的外表下是一个来自海边宁静小城维亚莱乔的小城托斯卡纳男孩。Yet just below his suave surface is a small-town Tuscan boy from a quiet seaside town called Viareggio.

暖色在传统设计中应用效果非常好,特别是对于乡村风格和托斯卡纳风格的厨房来说。Warm colors work well with traditional design and, in particular, country style or Tuscan style kitchens.

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但当我们今天再外出度假时,我们想要的是一幢远离人烟的托斯卡纳别墅,最好从1847年起就没人到过。But when we go on holiday today we crave a Tuscan villa so remote that no native has been there since 1847.

实际上,有着20万人口的托斯卡纳地区是欧洲第二大唐人街所在地,仅次于巴黎。In fact, this Tuscan community of about 200, 000 is home to Europe's second largest Chinatown, after Paris.

这类客房以传统的托斯卡纳风格装饰,配有平面电视、小冰箱和免费无线网络连接。Decorated in a traditional Tuscan style, this room features a flat-screen TV, a small fridge and free Wi-Fi.

一堵厚实的高墙环城而筑,给人感觉就像整个城市像铁饼一样给扔到了托斯卡纳山上。A thick high wall circled the town as if the whole thing had been thrown like a discus into the Tuscan hills.

而托斯卡球队方面则收到了一些坏消息,因为摩纳戈球员迭戈。佩雷兹的转会谈判似乎已经失败了。There was some bad news for the Tuscan side, though, as it seems Monaco man Diego Perez's transfer has collapsed.

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卢卡雷利看来比之前更可能离队了,尤文也已准备好引进这名前都灵人。Lucarelli now looks even closer to a Tuscan exit and Juventus are ready to make an offer for the former Torino man.

官方希望在夏天之前开辟出土地来实现托尼斯卡花园式葡萄园计划。Officials expect to break ground before summer , for the tasking garden venue project Tuscan Garden Vineyard Project.

巴尔扎雷蒂可能与队友博季诺夫一起过去,后者的一部分所有权被佛罗伦萨所有。Balzaretti is likely to make the journey alongside teammate Valeri Bojinov, who is still part owned by the Tuscan outfit.